Gunday Monday.

Contributed by Don’t mind me and Wild, wild West.

These will OUTLAST batteries.
I could join this club, I don’t wear a bra either.
Punt Guns.
Clyde Barrow and friends.
Clyde Barrow’s killers and their friends.

15 thoughts on “Gunday Monday.

  1. Beethoven’s “Wellington’s Victory” has cannon fire.

    Those artificial canteloupes are going to be waist-level in around 30 years.

    • In 30 years, I’ll be dead and won’t care.

      Right now, I’m lookin’ at them where they are.

  2. …and the 7th Circuit has upheld IL’s “assault weapons and magazine bans” because … wait for it … “they are indistinguishable from fully-automatic machine guns like the M16.” (Via CFP)

    So, apparently the 7th Circuit believes that 2A doesn’t apply to how a firearm looks because, you know, scary black rifle or some such booooolshit.

    These fuckers are never giving up.

    Can’t wait for this to go before SJC. The SJC’s questioning of the lawyers defending this BS should be epic.

    • That gives us a circuit split with the 5th and maybe the 9th, so SCOTUS has to look at it.

      You’re right; the testimony will be epic.

  3. I’m liking the Spongebob one. Don’t forget to call Dig Safe when you have to SSS. Oh wait…

  4. The movie about theTexas Rangers who killed Bonnie and Clyde struck me very hard when I noticed that the Rangers walked into an ordinary hardware store and bought fully automatic Thompson Subs and BARs over the counter.

    • I probably don’t have to tell this crowd that Bonnie and Clyde were the reason that the 1934 NFA was passed. it prevented the sale of full auto firearms without a permit. Permits were and are a long Long LONG time in coming.

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