15 thoughts on “Grifting politicians too…

  1. But that’s not what it is. It’s inflation caused by bad Govt policies. Brandon paying off his doners with $1.9t is what caused it. That and Buttplug not having a clue about supply vs demand.

  2. Years ago, when oil prices were climbing, I was complaining about the price of gas increasing. A co-worker and I did some checking and found the price of oil and the processing costs. We figured out the % that oil increased, applied that to the production costs and were able to figure out what the profit % had been before the oil increase. Then we applied what it was for the new cost of oil and production costs. The profit % was consistent.

    I haven’t checked it now, but I would bet that, even though corporate profits are up, the % profit would be consistent. Those increased profits would be based on higher costs of materials and production.

  3. Because we are not mindless, ignorant liberals, that’s why.
    Inflation is too much money in circulation chasing too few goods. Period.

    • You can only have inflation when you use paper money not backed by gold. Inflation is the nice word for what the loan sharks do. The Federal Reserve is the mother of all loan-sharking operations. This rapid borrowing and paying huge interest goes back to Napoleon and the Battle of Waterloo. The question is when did the world economy and everybody’s value become money based. There is no freedom a Body Mind and Spirit when you have an entire system based on a monetary value. Because the bankers value money we have to Value it as well money is what this entire planet busies itself with. And because we can’t call the Federal Reserve which is a private bank a humongous loan shark operation we get inflation. Too much money chasing too few goods that is using there paradyne oh, they have set the entire system up so that no matter how we talked about it, complained or try to break away from it by going off grid it all comes back to money gold and silver. They’ve done this with the political parties you can’t get into politics unless you come through one of the main parties so they have stopped anybody from stopping them. They have come almost to the point of perfection in removing the barter from ever being used again. Inflation is there a little piece of the pie every time somebody does something. And when we try to cut them out without creating away of exchanging, building, moving and using services and goods they throw us into a recession or a depression until we give in. We can’t go off-grid because you still need their money to buy supplies and if you live off the land you still need their money to pay their property taxes. Everything that I have said can be backed up if you have a boring day in the rain and want to dig it out of the internet. They have managed to move things along at such a rapid pace did books and magazines no longer our current but the principles they are using go back to the cries of take us off the gold standard, you’re hanging us on a cross of gold that’s why we need to return to gold and silver to have a chance to remove these vampires from our society.

  4. Riiiiiight!

    This is something Algore and Pedo Joe and The Ho and everybody and their Donk are saying… so take it for what it’s worth!
    Because FJB, that’s why!!

  5. In a normal, functioning, free market, having “greedy corporations” cause price inflation is impossible. Someone is always going to be faced with going out of business and going hungry and say, “I can live with less profit so I can sell cheaper than the other guys.” A little profit is better than pure loss.

    To fuck things up as profoundly as they are takes big government and central banks. In this case, it’s set up the Modern Monetary Theory people telling the government whatever they want to hear.

    But, hey, when in history has a group of people ever survived by telling the king what he wanted to hear? I mean besides always.

  6. There was one gas station that put out a sign near the pumps that listed how much profit per gallon the oil company got, and how much tax revenue per gallon the government, broken out by jurisdiction, got.
    You’ll be surprised to learn that the government told them to take it down.

    • No one was buying gas. Not many people going to work, either unemployed or working from home. Few people traveling.
      Today people are back to work and traveling. The oil companies are taking advantage. Joe is letting them get away with it.

      • Bull shit. The price of gasoline and nat. gas today is directly related to Biden’s policy actions on day one and two of his Residency. Just as the price of gasoline and nat. gas was directly related to Trump’s policies concerning those commodities.

        Did you forget that Biden promised, during the campaign, that he was going to eliminate fossil fuel? How do you think he was going to accomplish that when, at the time, we were a net exporter of oil and gas?

        • Shit bull! It’s demand and supply. Do you actually believe what politicians say? Biden says a lot of bullshit. Look at what politicians do, not what they say.

          Obama said if you like your insurance you can keep it. Trump said covid would be over by Easter 2020.

          Enlighten me on what specific Trump policies kept short run prices down or which Biden policies caused prices to rise. The US is still a net exporter.

  7. ever notice they repeal a tax ? but they do add new ones on everything.
    for all the tax money they have gotten over the years. the damn roads should be
    it a lot better shape than they are today. nobody runs just a gas station, you would go broke. they all sell all sorts of crap, food and other items that do make a profit.
    it not as bad as smokes, without taxes, a carton of them is under 20 bucks
    but they cost how much ? here in Pa. they over 80 bucks per or more.
    they never saw anything they didn’t want to put a tax on.

  8. It’s not the corporations. It’s government policies. Government does actually control the price of goods via regulation. If there was actual free trade inflation wouldn’t exist.

  9. Inflation is a monetary phenomenon. It is reflected in prices. The prices do not cause inflation.

  10. Inflation is rising prices. The invention of money – gold, paper, digital, whatever – makes inflation easier but inflation can happen in a barter economy. If for some reason Billy Bob demands more (apples, wine, potatoes, etc.) for each chicken he is willing to trade and most people accept the deal, that’s inflation.

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