Government Death Squads Are Here Now

This is the 3rd incident that I can remember hearing about in the last couple of weeks.

 “Once is happenstance. Twice is coincidence. Three times is enemy action.”

Ian Fleming

Grieving Mother Desperate For Answers After FBI Busts Down Door, Fatally Shoots Her Disabled Veteran Son in Pre-Dawn Raid.

By Cristina Laila Aug. 26, 2023 9:00 am

A family is desperately seeking answers after FBI agents busted down the door and killed their relative in a pre-dawn raid last week.

The FBI is refusing to tell a grieving mother why they showed up in armored vehicles at 6 am last Wednesday and fatally shot her son.

According to WBBJ, FBI agents showed up at a residence in Henderson, Tennessee to serve a man named Theodore Deschler an arrest warrant when things turned deadly.

A neighbor told WBBJ he woke up at 6 am after he heard a loud bang.

“I was woken up at about six o’clock this morning. I heard a loud bang. Then I heard a couple more. I heard the loudspeakers, ‘Come out with your hands up. We’re the FBI. We’re not going anywhere.’ Before I knew it, I was coming out to see what was going on and watched them bust out their windows,” a neighbor told WBBJ.

Theodore’s family believes he was unarmed when the agents busted down the door and threw flashbangs into the home.

“It was a senseless act. You know Teddy was a 100% disabled veteran. He had problems. He had severe PTSD. He had depression but he was getting help for it but this was senseless. He didn’t have a weapon on him. He was just trying to get out of the house because it was filled with tear gas,” Theodore’s mother told WBBJ.

The house was destroyed by tear gas, flashbangs and bullets. Most of the windows were busted out.

The FBI-involved shooting is currently under investigation so the family is in the dark about the details of the raid.

WBBJ reported:

From memory, at least two of these FBI raid/.executions have been perpetrated on old and/or disabled citizens.

In other words, shooting fish in a barrel.

I’m wondering what they are going to do when they kick on the wrong door and someone starts shooting back?

I can see multiple reasons why they are doing this and none of them are good.


There is absolutely no reason to be kicking disabled peoples doors in and throwing Flash Bangs into their houses at O’ Dark Thirty other than naked fear of someone having the time and reflexes to start returning fire and one of these Fed Goons not going home for dinner.

These happenings are a demonstration to all that things have just gotten kicked up a notch.

Use that information wisely.

21 thoughts on “Government Death Squads Are Here Now

  1. Soon these assholes just following orders will not be allowed to go home to their family by other assholes

  2. Big talk, but when? When is the fighting back actually going to happen? Yeah, we can say that “when they open the wrong door and people shoot back.” But they seem to know to not open the wrong door. All these attacks have been against elderly or disabled folks. If we’re all waiting for them to come our particular door, then they can keep attacking old folks forever. One of the things that bothered me in this story is when they dragged the mom outside and threw her in the car, she asked them why they were doing it. They said, “None of your business.” Seriously? It is totally her business, and the complete and total arrogance of these goons is off the charts.

    • The red line for me is the immediate well-being of my family being threatened. We can’t fight’em all but we can make small groups suck piss.

  3. this is going to get a lot worse before people wake up to the fact.
    and forget the local cops, a whole lot of the time they in on it as well.
    as they say, if the feds come for you, life as you knew it is over.
    if they don’t kill you right off the bat. they will make you go broke and homeless
    thru endless lawfare. see what they did to General Mike Flynn. he sold his house to pay legal bills and only gave up after they went after his son.
    the thing is, they can outnumber you alone. but if you have the right friends ??
    think about the Bundy ranch standoff. the feds back down. they where outnumbered bigtime there. they didn’t like it we need to do something like that again. but chances are the feds will cut the power/phone lines before you could get the word out.
    and there a good chance they have signal jammers as well= no cell phones.
    we have to come up with another way. CB ? FMS ? shortwave ? flares?
    something they can not jam.

  4. They’re doing it to send a message. See also “killing a chicken to scare the monkey “. The problem with that is , sooner, rather than later, they will try to kill a fighting rooster to scare a silverback gorilla …then the rules change.

  5. Demonstration of overwhelming force.
    To be a lesson to others.
    And possibly to prod and poke others to up the game. Thereby they could justify the killing fields.

    Those are the reasons.

  6. Hunter/killer teams
    Don’t wait for them to come to you, or to open the wrong door.
    Instead, use intel to ID who was involved in events such as this one. Seek them, whether lure them together into a box as when hunting feral hogs, or taking them out one by one.

    Broadcast this is now the new order. The Rule of Law is dead. Good hunting.

  7. Make your front door out of two pieces:
    The inside is a slab of 3/8″ steel plate.
    The outside is tannerite.

    If they want to be aggressive, sucks to be the guy with the ram.

  8. When they break down your door, remember:

    2 to the chest, the head gets the rest.

    And yes, If I am in my home I am less than 3steps from a firearm. I may get taken out, but I WILL pay the ferryman’s fee.

  9. These are very obviously Targeted Killings. The fedpigs most certainly go looking for individuals who pose no physical threat to the thugs kicking in Doors. They would be Very Unlikely to do this to anyone they know is a Veteran who owns a lot of Guns. Eventually, they will make that Mistake; the political Fallout of one of those Raid Teams getting Baconated, and their subsequent Hysterically Violent response will not be able to be ‘Covered Up’.

    The Worst-Case scenario for the fedpigs will be when they Kick in the Wrong Door, get repelled, and other local folks start showing up BEHIND the thugpigs. The “Bundy Ranch Incident” was just a Single Shot from turning into a Lexington Green Firefight, and the fedscum would have Lost. They no doubt were Terrified and ‘Learned a Lesson’ from that, so this is why we see Elderly, Disabled Men being Murdered by Surprise.

  10. This is the equivalent of the KGB or the Stasi making people disappear. These are overt acts that are meant to act as a warning to others….

    Do Not actively disagree with the state. Do not criticize our policies.

    Now, you know why the government civil branches have been stocking up on ammo and arms. War on dissent has been declared. They will kill you if they can do so and put the blame on your ‘incendiary’ remarks.

  11. Yes…these are demonstrations of power intended to scare people into compliance. Problem is not everyone is easily scared. And not everyone is going to wait till they are surrounded by these goons and facing insurmountable odds. The smart ones are already busy identifying these hired thugs, where they live and who their relatives are….and making plans to act against them at times and places that put them at the advantage. And that is what will be required. You don’t fight the fed goon squads on their terms. You go after them on terms that are favorable to you.

    • true, it is the Michael Collins way of fighting back.
      we never be able to strike at the clowns giving the orders. but the clowns that follow the orders? even if one can only “hit/get” 10 percent of them. they will change what they are doing.
      the IRA drove the brits mad with their one shot and vanish snipers
      back in the 1970’s. ( did some cross training with the brits back then)
      by and large, the soldiers DID NOT want to go there at all.
      there where a few that wanted to burn the place to the ground, but by and large they wanted to leave them alone.
      way past time to get to thinking of this problem. and that means doing a good recon on just who might be involved in future “events” say we say. check out your local police to find out how many “toys” they have gotten from the feds. more toys they have, the more the feds own them. and another thing, most of what we think are “traffic cams” are ones installed by the FEDS. they have nothing to do with giving out speeding tickets. they for tracking your movements, plate readers and god only knows what else.
      unless you in a very rural area, you are being tracked.
      why else do you think they put “fusion centers” all across the country ? putting sands in the gears is possible but we have waited a bit too long. better late than never though.

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