Gotta Like These Crazy KIWI’s.

It looks like the entire world has finally had enough of the mental illnesses being crammed down our throats for the last decade at least.

This bunch of New Zealanders down in Auckland showed up at some fucking “Rainbow Rally” (SPIT) and stole the show.

Their Police of course rushed in to protect the weirdo’s and got to see the real show up close and personal.

Good Onya fella’s.

This shit cracks me up.

29 thoughts on “Gotta Like These Crazy KIWI’s.

  1. Them is Maori yoots. Had the pleasure of meeting a bunch and hanging with em back in 1970 (thank you USN), great bunch to party with and you definitely want them on your side in a fight. 😁

    • Thanks for that Henk, couldn’t remember what it was called.

      You notice how few of them it took to stop a large parade. Fuckin Faggots

  2. I am sure both those woman cops were shitting their sanitary napkins… A splendid display of man! Fuck, the lesbo women are as ugly down there as they are here! It has to be chromosomal damage… Eat the muff, damage your genes.

  3. Word has it the fags were afraid of stepping in the testosterone spilled on the street where the boys were protesting.

  4. The “men” barked, the police didn’t even have to growl or bear their teeth. The police stood their ground. The “men” did their impotent display, then submitted and retreated. Didn’t see any guns on the “men”.

    Fox domestication experiments show wild foxes go from silently biting to barking, whining, and not biting. I think these humans are domesticated.

    • I read that one as a warning – not impotent, just a warning. A signal that this only goes so far, and the real pushback is coming.

      • Agreed. They were being neighbourly, letting folks know that playtime is rapidly coming to an end.
        And it is.

        • …and what exactly are you “Commonwealth Nation’s” gonna do about it?

          All your leaders are simpering faggot wanna be tyrants, cow towing to the 2%. You can protest all you want, ain’t gonna change a thing as far as I can tell. Sure Turdeau and Jacinda finally resigned and it looks like Starmer is going to be voted out, maybe. Depends on who’s counting the votes. Don’t forget they’ve still got all of their accomplice henchmen left in parliament to stymie change even if the leaders are gone, just like all the left behind Demonrats here.

          Nothing’s going to change until ALL these far left loons in .gov all over the world are doing the hemp jig for their malfeasance in office and out.

          I really don’t see that happening. Sure the next four years here in the USA will be a breath of fresh air. But, and this is a big BUT, unless PEOPLE GO TO JAIL, nothing is going to change in the long run and in ten years or less we’ll be right back where we were Nov 5th ’24.

    • Nice spin. (I’d say “you people are good at that” but I actually don’t think you’re one of Them. It’s possible you’re just stirring the shit for, well, shits and giggles.)

      But in the spirit of “Them”: How DARE you denigrate native Maori culture? And compare those oh-so-oppressed young men of color to animals! Why are you such a racist, colonizing ethnosupremacist?

    • Neither.
      Fags with flags or curly headed “primitives” grunting and howling and sticking their tongues out. .
      Not much of a choice

  5. There’s a story I read from one of the world wars, that the Maoris in some New Zealand unit was ordered to attack a German line and before doing so, they performed the Haka, which put the Germans into flight.

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