12 thoughts on “Gotta ask BCE if this is doable.

  1. Could you launch this with a bow? Yes. Would it explode? No. The arming mechanism for the warhead responds to the g force of the initial launch. It takes 5 meters of travel before the warhead arms. A bow would not provide sufficient impetus to arm such a device.

    • Recurve, maybe not… but never underestimate the ingenuity of a backyard engineer. I think we could make it happen with just what we find in Phil’s garage.

    • I thought the rpg was armed manually. There have been a few stories i’ve read of them going pow when dropped nose first.

  2. I bet you could get enough launch force with an old Roman style ballista to launch it.
    You could probable volley launch a bunch of them from tubes or troughs for an area effect. Poor mans short range katusha’s.

    • well, if the ragheads can do it, we can too. it not that hard to do really. look up sugar rockets and what crap rockets the PLO make.
      it really something you CAN make in your garage after all.
      NOT that I am doing or making anything like that. but really, it not
      all that hard to do. check out You Tube vids on it. making the fuel for the rocket. that is. warhead are something a bit more. again. not that hard to do really. and the launcher is not much more than rails
      to guide it. check out the old WW2 rocket launchers and see how they where made.

  3. Everything can be done at least once. The question really is whether or not it can be safely repeated.

  4. Winch, cable, leaf springs? Maybe a modern ballista would do it. Pity the Punkin Chunkin got run out of Delaware they had potential.

  5. Nice knowing Ya.
    The warhead on your basic early model RPG, the detonator on the head of the warhead is a piezoelectric detonated set of small glass ampules inside the aluminum nosecap. IF enough of those lil amps get smooshed, then >KA-BOOMIE-BOOM!!!< Hence why the Haj and especially the Ethernopians tended to have ADs if they dropped some of the older rounds that'd been battered around.

    Hence why the footage from the Kraine shows them removing the safey cover on the tip of each rocket BEFORE they fire it…

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