Got this from Wirecutter at Knuckledragging… Lets see the fags in DC try to shoot this down.

Law Banning Gun Possession Due to Restraining Order is Unconstitutional

U.S.A. –-(– Federal District Judge David Counts in the Western District of Texas has ruled the controversial federal law banning gun possession by a person who has been served with a restraining order for domestic violence is unconstitutional under the Second Amendment.


10 thoughts on “Got this from Wirecutter at Knuckledragging… Lets see the fags in DC try to shoot this down.

  1. I seem to recall having a conversation on this very subject with somebody just a day or two ago. Can’t remember who it was though. I must be getting old or maybe at twenty five below my circuits are not firing in order.

  2. I have long been of the opinion that all gun control laws are unconstitutional. In my opinion, the only way to make a gun control law is to amend the federal constitution. Everything else is a violation of the constitution.

  3. This will appealed and the decision likely overturned by the 5th Circuit Court depending on which Judges hear the appeal. It might go further, maybe to the SCOTUS. It might not. If this does stand it would allow for us to try and get Red Flag laws ruled unconstitutional….which of course they are.

      • X 2.

        Loss of a Constitutional right and lawfully-owned property when no crime (felony or misdemeanor) has been committed HAS to be unconstituional.

        • Of course it is. But since when has constitutionality mattered about anything when it comes to the gun grabbing commie left. The simply do what they want. Because most of the time they get away with it.

  4. This is one of those “Backdoor 2A Infringements” nobody really thinks about.

    Back in September this same TX Judge struck down another unconstitutional SCOTUS mandate which said anybody under federal indictment (charged with a felony but not yet convicted) cannot purchase a firearm.

    These Communist POS have been using legal grey areas like this for decades to inhibit and/or prevent citizens from exercising their Constitutional 2A Rights.

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