Got Popcorn?

I have been enjoying the shit out of watching these Demoncrats eating each other alive here lately and I sincerely suspect the best is yet to come.

Biden refusing to step aside has got to be the best thing to happen to us in 3 very long years.

Having his Brain Fried Kid inside the Whitehouse running interference and trying to call shots is off the charts hilarious and his Elder Abusing, Power Mad wife, “Dr. Jill”, out campaigning for the Brain Dead fucker is just the cherry on top.

Oh yeah, these fucking assholes have set themselves up in a Rock VS Hard Spot situation by being so clever as to run Joe with Heels Up Harris as his running mate so that Obama could have his 3rd term and run the show from behind the scenes.

What To Do, What To Do?

Get rid of Joe the hard way and then have the impossible situation of having Cackles step in as acting President?

The prospects of that have me howling in spasms of laughter.

Everybody and their dog hates that bitch and no one in their right mind wants her anywhere near the position of President but there be rules that have to be followed and they are tying the Demoncrats hands tight.

In the meantime, “Dr. Jill” and Hunter are furiously trying to negotiate one final, massive, payoff to tide them over and agree to take Joe out of the picture in the background.

I very sincerely hope the entire Democratic Party ultimately turns into one giant Circular Firing Squad and shoots each every one of the dirty cocksuckers in the foot before it’s all said and done.

The next few weeks promises to be some of the most entertaining in years.

I can’t think of a larger group of assholes who deserves every bit of self inflicted pain more than those dirty sonsabitches.

24 thoughts on “Got Popcorn?

  1. Yes…the Democrats are in disarray. Won’t make a bit of difference. The GOP is a wholly owned subsidiary of the DNC. Which is why they target Trump but not the rest of the GOP. Because Trump hasn’t sold out to them. Exactly what political shenanigans are coming is yet to be seen. But the end results will be the dems still in power. No way in hell they relinquish that power. Too many negative consequences. They’ll burn it all down before they step down.

    • Now they are trying to tie Trump to Epstein claiming he flew on the Lolita Express 7 times, more than any of the other frequent fliers like Clinton, Gates or Dershowitz.

      • That’s a dangerous game for them. Open up Pandora’s Box, which they have gone to extreme lengths up until now to keep sealed and buried.
        Ghislain Maxwell might feel like singing at any time if they tread down that path too far.

        • It was Desantis who signed the law that released the last batch of Epstein documents which mentioned Trump a number of times. Maybe it’s Desantis revenge for getting beaten so badly in the primary.

    • the left has never given up power without a fight. never.
      and right now is the most power they ever had here.
      so,,,, I get the feeling that the riots of 2020 will end up looking kind of tame compared to what is coming when Trump wins this time around. and then add in all of the illegals going nuts when the cash card gets shut off means we going to have real fun.
      best get ready as you can for the madness that will be 2024-2025
      stock up on canned food as well as ammo. the lack of food has driven more unrest than anything else. plan on it happening here as well. one more thing to drive people insane and out in the streets. remember one small thing, they hate us and want us dead. there is no half way with them either. so, get your mind around that little bit.

      • I have a quite a few thousands of reasons for them to leave me the fuck alone and behave.

  2. I read somewhere else that Joe Biden had proof of Obummers homo love affairs and he controlled Obummer. Theories abound.

    For added fun, I’d like to see the democrats take the position that Trump has already been elected Pres twice and is ineligible per the Constitution. If he didn’t serve, that’s his problem.

    Minnesota can not grow enough popcorn for what’s coming.

  3. He wants his share for his electoral votes. Bet the price point is one billion fusa dollars. He walks. The country falters.

  4. Please stop calling these people Democrats: theyre Socialist-Progressives
    and I’m being kind

  5. What To Do? I’m from somewhere else but I would break out the popcorn, grab a beer and sit back and enjoy the show.

    After the last fiasco I began to wonder if you really did make it to the moon.

  6. RE: Circular firing squad. You said “foot” instead of “head”
    They need to take each other out permanently or we will still have to put up with them.

  7. I’ve wondered what it would be like to watch a few hundred people trying to herd cats. I’m thinking that’s what this will look like before it’s over, and now wonder if I want to spend that much money on popcorn.

  8. 2 thoughts.

    1- it’s possible this is all scripted to distract from the globohomo takeover (eat zee bugs, invasion of illegals in G7 )to destroy western culture and specifically wye pee poo.
    2- pretty sure after the immediate post debate reactionary cluster f&ck, The ghey kenyan told everyone to calm the F down as here we are only a few days later, and the dimocraps are again mostly going from the same narrative that Biden is their guy.

  9. Deus Ex Machina: Big Mike swoops in at the last minute to save the party. Just like a Greek tragedy but we are the ones to suffer. Been saying this for two years, a last minute replacement. Big Mike is dragged to the nomination because they have already x’d out Cankles, Newsome, Kneepads, Buttygig. The yard signs are most likely printed. The Sith Lord gets his 4th term.

    Soon it will be for every man to decide if he wants to live on his knees or die on his feet?


  10. I like the recent moves by the right wing of the bird of prey.

    The party of heterosexual people that protects gun ownership and babies just dropped the heterosexual, pro-gun and pro-life planks from their operating system, conforming to the head voodoo doll from New York City.

    Political parties and voting will definitely make this continent-wide strip-mall filling with detritus better for the future generations.

  11. I want to know when and how Edith and the crackhead got the security clearances to hear the briefings.

  12. It’s all kabuki theatre all the time. Rump will be (S)elected then the plug will be pulled so the rats can say see, we don’t cheat when they really want a repugnicunt in the big house during the downfall.

  13. Larry and Vince the crash test dummies have more brains than Joe and the Ho. The Democrats should nominate them.

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