Google Hides News That Gaetz Wants To Release 14,000 Hours of Jan 6th Footage.

Seriously, here’s a screen shot of the search results..

So just for shits and giggles, I used Google to get to Yandex, a Russian search engine and used the exact same search terms.

What do I see?

What DO you know?

The very first hit goes to The Gateway Pundit reporting on it.

HUGE: Matt Gaetz Reveals Republicans Will Release the 14,000 Hours of J6 Tapes That Have Been Hidden (VIDEO)

In my opinion, when they get to investigating the dirty secrets of the relationships between the U.S. Government and Social Media censoring anyone to the right of Chairman Mao, I think they ought to do some very serious digging into this Google bullshit and TAKE THEM DOWN, right along side the See Eye Aye and the Eff Bee Eye, who have had back door access to every single search query since about 2006.

16 thoughts on “Google Hides News That Gaetz Wants To Release 14,000 Hours of Jan 6th Footage.

  1. They should sell the rights to executing these mother fuckers. Schiff, Cheney , Pelosi ,and the rest of these communist bastards.

    • hell, sell slots on the firing squad ! bet you could put a small dent in the national debt with the sale money.

      • Sell rocks for public stonings. More people can participate. Could be like the old public hangings, a real family friendly event.

  2. Won’t change a thing. The lame stream media whores won’t report on what’s released and the average sheeple couldn’t be bothered to watch any of it without some serious prodding.

  3. To my surprise Brave is also not showing the results. I moved there from duckduckgo which I had used for many years to get out of Googles corruption.

    I searched for “Gaetz vows to release footage” in duckduckgo and it was in there.


  4. It’s not just search engines that are burying search results. W*o*r*d*p*r*e*s*s also censors comments submitted by people like me who make disparaging remarks about some politicians and political stories.

    For three days before the election, I was prevented from posting any comments, on any article at Irish’s and Ken’s blogs. Every time I tried to post, I got …please try again later.

    I know you probably think I’m crazy, but it actually happened. I even spoke to Irish about it.

  5. When you realize that Google, Facebook and the rest were all created, supported with government created software, and funded by the government then you begin to understand the information that you are reading today.
    The letter agencies all knew and know that they are constrained by the Constitution. No such restraint exists for Facebook. So Facebook does the information gathering without any constitutional constraints and then sells the information gathered to the feds. If you look closely enough you will see that the feds only suggested banning or censoring. It was up to Twitter to decide to do it. A slight legal nuance, but legal nonetheless. If the feds argue the suggestion vs demand in court they will win. Remember that Conservatives ask for Antifa to be banned. Asking is not a crime. Forcing an action to comply is.
    To be clear, I do not support censorship in any form nor do I condone what has been going on with social media but now that the truth is out in the light of day, people need to decide if they are going to continue to participate. End all social media usage and be careful what personal data you post elsewhere. People run to have run their DNA. Read the terms of use. Ancestry can and does use the information that it gathers to suit its own purposes and of course sells the data to anyone with the dollars to pay for it. It is not some private transaction. Same on social media of all sorts. Read the terms of service. You put it there of your own free will and they (the social media companies) can do with it as they please.
    Solution? Tall tree, short rope?????

    • Those DNA samples sent to these sites that trace ancestry also can be used by Law Enforcement to track down criminals – this is how the Idaho police, in conjunction with FBI, were able to glom onto that slimy piece of garbage that killed those University of Idaho students!

      • Or some family members that bought into that scam… especially a twin sister. Now, our DNA are not an exact match like it would be in identical twins, but far closer then a sister/brother match up.

    • If we have been on Facebook and other forms of social networking…..and “they” already have our information……how will leaving them enhance my personal security?
      Not being snarky; just trying to formulate a plan.

      • Your information is dated. They may have your birth date and hard information all of which is in the past. Stop telling them about your vacation plans, new hobbies, gun purchases, buying habits, new born children and relatives. Stop putting out current information and move slowly into the yesterday files. Let someone else be on the top page for attention getting.
        Basically, stop feeding the beast and starve it for information and ultimately its related revenue dries up too.

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