People these days may have the attention span of a flea but they have the memory of elephants when they get fucked over.
I know I do.
Highest Gasoline Prices in History Hit All 50 States, National Avg Increased 20 Cents in Just Four Days
March 10, 2022 | Sundance |
The nationwide average for regular gas is now $4.32 a gallon, according to AAA. Just yesterday it was $4.25. In just a few days gasoline has eclipsed the highest price ever recorded by 20¢. The previous record was $4.11 in July 2008. Unfortunately, there is no end in sight. Anecdotally, my neighborhood gas station went up 75¢/gal in just three days and is now $4.95.
Nationally, Diesel prices are also at record highs, with the average cost at $5.06 a gallon, up almost twenty cents overnight from Wednesday to Thursday, this will increase transportation costs for all goods being delivered. The speed of the current rate of increase is very troublesome.

We all know it’s only going to get worse and we all know it is deliberate.
I seem to recall something about an election coming around a bit later.
Nobody is going to forget this shit.
I absolutely guarantee that.
When the Commie Bastards try cheating the election again, because you know damn good and well they are going to, I think there is going to be enough hell raised the very next day that these complete assclowns are all going to be looking for rocks to crawl under.
The ones that don’t get shit canned right out of the gate anyway.
There is no way possible that they are going to retain their majority either way at this point I think.
May they ALL burn for what they’ve laid on us plebes…
Never underestimate the cleverness at distracting the population the left has not the abject stupidity of the average voter. Add in cheating at an epic level and the left will not only retain control but expand their grasp on power this fall and in 2024.
Nah, the hardcore dems won’t remember and neither will the dead voters.
“…enough hell raised the very next day that these complete assclowns are all going to be looking for rocks to crawl under.”
Won’t help. We’ll find them.
Hell. they won’t even have to find the rocks. We’ll provide them.
Demonratism is a mental disease. The only way to cure it is to separate heads from bodies.
I think that you are being overly optimistic think that we are going to have another election. I’m sure that we will have another crises to make sure that we don’t.—ken
Right K S, even IF there’s another election, we know it’s hacked. We aren’t voting our way out of this. No one is coming to save us.
We won’t have to remember s**t. By the time the election rolls around, gas will be $8-$10 a gallon. Driving to your polling place will be a painful reminder of that fact. Now if we could just move tax day to the day before election day, we could reform the whole government.
Yep, but 40 years from now, another Carter/Obama/Biden will appear, their minions will screw everyone over by illegal methods, and some will wonder how so much ignorance can be so prevalent. That’s if we’re not speaking Chinese and living in cities with pollution fog so thick, you can’t see across the street.
have a friend who thinks when it goes over 8 bucks per gallon, people will explode with anger at the fuckers. if the country hangs together by 2024 to have a election I be amazed . but really, we do need to make lists of the fuckers that need to be put against the wall and shot.
as far elections go, if they really decided things, you think they let us do it ?
but people are beginning to wake up to the fact that these fuckers hate them and
want to see them broke and as slaves for them.
it is going to get rather sporty here soon,
The same people that counted the votes in 2020 will be counting them again. Do you really think it will be different this time?
Look for an excuse to cancel the election. Note that they are n
moving the new laws about 80 percent lowers up to April. They have something on their minds.
With gas at $10 a gallon by fall all the morons will be DEMANDING “mail in voting” to keep from wasting gas. Aligns perfectly with the lefts plans for cheating. TINVOWOOT. We will always have elections…..ALL commie countries always have them. They just make sure the outcomes are PREDETERMINED.
I”m coming to the conclusion that its not Dem. vs Rep. but .Gov puppet vs the people.
The stations going up overnight are ripping us off .They get load of fule at one price . i dont think they are getting loads at night or selling 4 thousend gallons a shift an getting higher priced loads . My station was down 2 days nothin pumped went from 4.89 to 5.29 .Damit !🇺🇸
14 billion more to the ukies as well as other bullshit bills, now this
All while we stay distracted by Ukraine and the biolabs.
It’s already gotten to the point that I’m driving my SHO (25-30 mpg) to Logan at the EOM instead of my Jeep (14-16 mpg)!
Kinda sorry I sold my 50 mpg Honda Elite Scooter last year!
As long as you keep your foot out of the SHO’s floorboard, pedal to the metal makes for no gassy
Funny you should say that, Cederq, because at 60 mph it gets 26, yet at 90 mph it gets 32!
It’s just the way the engine breathes and the fuel/air table works. Yamaha did a GOOD job making that engine!
…but, but, but Brandon and the orange haired crypt keeper of the WH press room are telling everyone that “It’s Putin’s fault” gas prices are so high. In other words, they’re still claiming the Russia, Russia, Russia hoax. It’s their fall back for everything they touch turning shit.
Don’t know where or who originated it, but “It’s easier to con someone, than it is to convince them they’ve been conned.” Also, “Never underestimate the gullibility of the American public.” So, I’m not getting my hopes up. In short, TINVOWOOT.
Four days my a$$. I went to the grocery store last week and the price at the gas station a mile away was posted at 3.799. When I stopped to get gas on the way home it was 3.999. That was 20 cents in less than an hour.