12 thoughts on “Good idea, taken from Wirecutters blog. Could save your life.

  1. Thanks for that. Concise, efficient, says what he needs to say and doesn’t waste my time. Three minutes well spent.

    • That is my thought too Greg, I hate 30 seconds of graphic intro and a lot of BS before they get to the meat of the video and despise umms and ohh and no coherent speech or thinking.

      • I despise the ones that start off with “hey guys Welcome and thanks for watching blah, blah, blah. If in the first 30 seconds you don ‘t get to the point, I’m on to the next thing.

  2. That truly a simple idea. I just bought six for my range bags and tool kit

    • I mush have a dozen or so in my painting supplies.

      Thing is, my Enfield has NEVER failed to extract. Weird, huh?

        • No kidding. The gun may be mechanically perfect; all it takes is one bad round. Way back, younger and naive, I bought a box of reloads at a gun show (.45LC). About the fifth round I fired was a squib that left the bullet stuck halfway down the barrel. I trashed the rest of that box, and will never trust a reload unless I know the reloader or do it myself.

  3. One more piece of never used stuff to carry.
    10k rds in my home built AR, 100k rds in an army M16 and I have never seen that happen. I’ll leave my paint can openers right where they are, for the next time I open a can.

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