Going To The Show

Taking my boy and my 12 year old Grandson who is now taller than both of us, is already shaving and having to fend off the cougars.

I think he’s already 6’1′ easy.


This will be his first concert so Grandpa is going to do it right.

This will be the second time me and my boy have seen them and will be my fourth time.

I think.

So many concerts, so many years and so many dead brain cells later ya know.

It’s going to be a long day tomorrow and I have a meeting with the big boss too.

Thankfully it’s a Skype thing.

I’ll be buying the young ‘un at least one concert T shirt for him to remember it by.

Maybe 2.

Makin’ memories ya know.

9 thoughts on “Going To The Show

  1. That is AWESOME, Phil! Me and two sons are going to see them in November, fourth time for me, second for boy the elder and first for boy the younger. They are my favorite band and my younger son’s favorite band. Should be a great time for us and you and yours!


  2. “have to fend off the cougars”. In which case I reckon that ‘uncle’ Cederq might offer to accompany the young bloke and shout him a free entry to some such event, hoping to score with said cougar/s by ricochet!

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