12 thoughts on “God Speed

    • God bless you. I wish I was a lawyer; I’d be filing class action suits against these motherfuckers every day. But I’m not, and it’s incredibly frustrating sitting on the sidelines waiting for the courts to do this, when it seems this should be happening all over the place.

  1. Talk is cheap.

    I, for one, am beyond sick of this cockteasing bullshit. I keep hearing Reiner Fuellmich’s name getting thrown around and all these lawsuits getting launched against these governments, bureaucracies, agencies, and so on. Who fucking cares? Because the question is: are they winning? Sure as hell doesn’t seem like it to me. There are no heads rolling. Nobody’s being punished or held to account in any way, and in fact, it doesn’t even appear as though any of those people are worried in the slightest at the possibility that something like that may occur.

    Two fucking years I’ve been fighting this bullshit in court on my own lawsuit and we’ve gotten nowhere. I have seen NO progress. In fact, my own suit got thrown out in court this past spring because the asshole judge wouldn’t even hear the arguments from our lawyer OR the case law that solidifies a case that should have been a very simple argument. Son of a bitch instead sided with (RE: likely took the money) from the Trudeau government and closed it. We DO have strong grounds for appeal and are taking it to the next level, probably as early as this fall, but even then the prospects of getting any further are bleak. The only reason I press on and continue to fight this in court is because it’s all I can do and I don’t want to walk away from this knowing I didn’t see it through to the end. But I have no illusions about winning or getting any kind of ‘justice’. Seems that’s just not the world we live in.

    The reality is: fuck all is happening, all the scumbags are getting away with their parts in the scam-demic clean, and all the idiot normies are content to forget this ever happened – even in spite of the fact that these fucks are dangling ANOTHER fucking scam-demic over our heads.

    • JL – Why are you wasting Time and Money in (((their))) corrupt “Courts”? It has been clear from the very Beginning of the
      COVID-19(tm) scam that ALL parts of the ‘government'(s) World-Wide are ‘in on it’. You, and everybody else who is trying to use the Corrupt, ‘Just Us’ system for compensation for (((their))) Crimes will NEVER see any Punishment whatsoever.

      Make a List, check it Twice, and wait for the oncoming Collapse and its “Day of the Rope” (or Woodchipper)

      • Why? Very simple, really. Because outside of violent means, there is no other avenue for recourse.

        But speaking of violent means, let’s talk about your ‘Day of the Rope/Woodchipper’ scenario. What makes you think THAT’S going to happen? After even just the last 20 years of what the government has been doing to you folks in the United States (to say nothing of what governments are doing to people in the rest of the world), are you still deluding yourself into thinking that day’s going to come?

        For Christ’s sakes, you guys had an election stolen right in front of you by bona fide communists and even though you have an amendment in your own constitution permitting you to bear arms for this very purpose, they are still laughing in your faces while you sit back and do absolutely fuck all.

        Day of the Rope….what a fucking joke. If people like you aren’t even willing to take the first steps to fight, you sure as hell won’t take the last steps. In reality, you want to sit there and shit on people like me who are at least fighting this with the means available, however flawed they are, but are content to sit on your ass on the sidelines and do jack shit.

        Typical Boomerwaffen bullshit.

  2. No…it’s not. The people behind the Covid scam and the poison jabs that resulted will suffer absolutely NO consequences for their crimes. In fact they are gearing up to do it all over again. And the same idiots who accepted it last time will bend over and accept it again.

  3. I believe it when I see it happen. until then, no.
    but I think a lot of the fucks should be hanged after you take all the money they made off this shit. but history has shown us that a group will always getaway

  4. Considering that post is dated a year and a half ago, my guess is that nothing happened. Or, at least, nothing major. I read yesterday Fraudci made $300 MILLION off the Covid nonsense. That’s a really potent incentive plan for whoever is running stuff for the next pile of crapola.

  5. There was an article last week at one of the conservative news sites: https://hotair.com/david-strom/2023/08/12/fda-lawyer-the-fda-may-mislead-people-with-impunity-n570666 about a federal suit over the CDC/FDA out and out lying about Ivermectin’s effectiveness where the government’s lawyers are arguing that it’s OK for those agencies to lie because they have SOVEREIGN IMMUNITY.

    Then, last week, I think as a result of this suit and the issues raised about the lying, the FDA/CDC now says it’s OK for Dr’s to prescribe Ivermectin for Covid.

    Meanwhile, several Dr’s have lost their licenses to practice medicine and HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of people have died because the government. in cahoots with big pharma, wouldn’t allow a proven safe medicine to be prescribed to fight Kung Flu.

  6. A truly noble quest she is on.
    That same passionate anger burns in a lot of us.
    I try to tell myself the bastards will rot in hell for eternity, but it is difficult not to want to begin the suffering now.

    They stole over a year of my mother’s life.

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