15 thoughts on “God Hates A Coward

  1. That point is close, and some of us are ready, while many are not ready, they will not know what to do, and will be caught up in the hurricane. too bad.

    • Hey guys can you slow down a little bit.
      I’m doing my best to hobble along and keep up.
      I don’t want to miss the fun.

    • Chuck, if you swap out of those pumps you wore with your old footy helmet, into some Boots GP, you’d be faster. Get some lanolin off a Kiwi’s girlfriend, no blisters.

  2. I”ve always run. I’m good at it. Better at hiding. But in the long run it’s just delaying the inevitable.

    There *is* value, however, in *knowing* that you’ve done all that, and there is no where left to run to, and that your back is against a wall.
    I’m all in now. No doubts, no hesitations. Whether I *can* win or not, much less the likelyhood, is no longer relevant, as there is no alternative. Absolute unwavering commitment is all that’s left.

  3. RUN ! no way, when were surrounded it means we got a target rich environment.
    That’s what Chesty taught us.

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