God Bless Texas And Fuck Joe Biden

Texas Governor Abbot says FAFO to the senile old pervert,

Here is his statement,

“The Executive Branch of the United States has a constitutional duty to enforce federal laws protecting States, including immigration laws on the books right now,” reads the statement. “President Biden has instructed his agencies to ignore federal statutes that mandate the detention of illegal immigrants. The failure of the Biden Administration to fulfill the duties imposed by Article IV, § 4 has triggered Article I, § 10, Clause 3, which reserves to this State the right of self-defense. For these reasons, I have already declared an invasion under Article I, § 10, Clause 3 to invoke Texas’s constitutional authority to defend and protect itself. That authority is the supreme law of the land and supersedes any federal statutes to the contrary.”


Image courtesy of the Texas Tribune.

It appears to me that Governor Abbott is 100% in the right here but this escalation is fraught with the possibility of The Kid Sniffer losing what’s left of his Jello Brand™  mind and him ordering Friendly Fire on the Texas National Guard.

That would be, in my opinion, Game On for the rest of us to throw our support behind Texas and Shit Getting Real in a big fucking hurry.

Apparently the Cretin In Charge and the absolute morons pulling his strings have pretty short memories.

Bundy Ranch ring any bells?




I am quite sure the good citizens of Texas would be the first in line at the very least.

Such a move on the Federal Government’s part would most likely be the biggest single mistake in this country’s history.

You could forget the election and pretty much normal life in general for the rest of the entire country also.

Yep, this has all the makings of a MAJOR Constitutional Crisis and I’m thinking Ol’ Pedo Joe and his string pullers aren’t going to be able to pull that off, no matter what their Nazgul Supreme Court minions and computer simulations say.

30 thoughts on “God Bless Texas And Fuck Joe Biden

  1. Wish that spineless waste of oxygen we have for a governor here in Arizona would make the same stance. But since she was selected…that ain’t going to happen.

  2. Eff the mofos, but remember the bundys are grifters they owed the American taxpayer bout a million in grazings fees

    • Nope, they owed the STATES, but the Feds said it was their money, not the states.
      The Bundy’s were not innocent, but neither are the BLM folks.

      Learn all the details before posting shit like that.

  3. that is something they really do not want to happen. the problem is the clowns in DC think they can do anything (?)
    and then they wonder why people are buying guns and ammo like they are ?
    and I also think they are just waiting to impose martial law over us.
    and as we have seen already there are way too many assholes who are willing to do whatever the clowns say. what they don’t understand is just following orders is
    not going to save them. just look at what happen during the Virus scam.

  4. We aren’t taking this country back from the criminal left without violence.
    Might as well be now. The longer we wait the less of this country will
    have survived to be salvaged. There ARE “hills to die on”. This one would be
    one of those hills.

    • Still on the violence kick, Dan?

      I am waiting for you to step up and start the shitkicking.

      Or are you a Fed provocateur?

      • Not a provocateur… I’m a REALIST. The left has ZERO intentions of quitting, giving up or going away. They simply
        refuse to obey the law or follow the Constitution. The ONLY language they will heed is the only one that matters. The universal language…violence. The left COUNTS ON IDIOTS LIKE YOU to refuse to do what is ABSOLUTELY required to remedy their criminal misconduct. If ANYONE is a government shill it’s YOU. No rational person wants violence but rational people know it’s the ONLY course left to us. So SHUT THE F**K UP if you don’t want to accept reality. The three peaceful boxes of freedom, ballot, jury and soapbox have been nullified. The only box left is the cartridge box. If you can’t understand this reality you are a moron….or a commie leftist. As for what I will, won’t or have done….you are also ignorant of another important rule. Don’t talk, don’t threaten, DO.

  5. I see this ending badly. I’m telling you I grew up in South Texas and things can get loco out there. You don’t tell those people what to do. They are hard wired to the “don’t give a f#$k” position in the first place. This is gonna get wild.

  6. I don’t think the feds have a practical grasp on the typical attitude of the male, middle-aged Texan. FAFO, indeed.

  7. Keep your powder dry, your ear to the ground, and stand ready. Help where you can.
    Things gettin’ spicy. Stay tuned, The Revolution Will NOT Be Televised.

  8. Sorry, I don’t buy it.
    Abbot is a Mother Wefer. He could have been doing this for the last few years. All he has done so far is help move these illegals further into the country and saturate some sanctuary cities so when the ball drops they can spread out into already organized teams to unleash predetermined chaos with their prepositioned military grade weapons. Don’t forget friends, this is all a show that has been well thought out for years.

    • Believe me I see that side of it too. A big healthy dose of skepticism about this whole thing is certainly called for.

  9. “Deathray”, if Abbott had done this earlier, he’d have had no support. Even dems didn’t think it’d get this bad.

    • This is just a small park in big Texas where this is all happening right now. I’ll believe he’s serious when he shuts down the entire border of the state and renounces his membership in the WEF. Until then I will remain skeptical. What else is happening that this is drawing attention away from?

  10. This one worries me.
    I grew up in se Texas. We were taught Texas history. Then later, American history. And in high school, world history.
    Being told what to do ,or not do, has never gone over well.
    Most people don’t know that Texas was the only state that was a country first. Only state like that.
    This one scares me.

    • That’s my answer too. Deathray has a valid question. I want to know who’s pulling strings on SCOTUS to get that 5-4 decision triggering this three ring circus.

  11. Let us hope that we don’t get to a civil war.

    No one wins, really. Just a set of bad choices from that point on.

    But at some point you gotta do what you gotta do.

  12. It wouldn’t bother me one bit if Pedo Joe sent down some FBI and they all got killed trying to cause shit. As a matter of fact, Joe should do just that until he runs out of FBI agents.
    Any Texans we lose would be International heroes, and memorialized forever. The FBI agents would be remembered as coyote scat.

  13. I will maintain the opinion that this is just ‘political theater’ in an Election Year, unless and Until the State of Texas Forcibly Arrests and Imprisons more than a few fedscum ‘Border Patrol’ (or FBI) personnel.

    I do Not Believe that the commies running the Swamp are unaware of the Possibility that if that Happens, and they try to send Federal Troops to ‘fix’ it, that it could Blow Up on them, Nationwide. But, they May actually BE that Stupid…

    While Abbott has ties to the ‘globalist cabal’, he likely knows that, having openly Dissed ‘Mordor’ and the 9 Black-Robed Nazgul, if he Backs Down now, he will be caught between his Angry Citizens, and the fedscum who will inevitably try to Persecute him for “Insurrection”. Sux to be Him….

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