5 thoughts on “God Bless Texas

  1. Texas isn’t wrong and sharia needs to be banned but I guarantee this law will be appealed and the first federal court to hear it will block it. The courts operate under the false assumption that sharia is a religion protected by the first amendment. It’s not. It’s a political system seeking to overthrow and replace ALL other systems….including ours.

    • American citizens have the freedom to practice any religion they choose. They do not have the freedom to practice any government they choose.

      Unfortunately, you are probably correct that a Federal court will attempt to block it. Especially if the Left does their usual court-shopping to get the right judge.

  2. They did this years ago in Irving and won. Beth Van Dyne was the mayor, if memory serves. They aren’t ‘banning’ sharia. They are saying that Texas law is supreme. Meaning, if you do your silly sharia shit, you run afoul of the law. Honor killing? Your ass is headed to the penitentiary. Smack the old lady around? You get the fisting any other dude would get. You don’t get to say I divorce you three times, hork-spit and it’s done. She gets to take half your shit.

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