7 thoughts on “Global Outrage over at Wake Up People.

  1. And some wonder why I have so much storage in external hard drives, thumb drives, data DVDs and print copies.
    It also doesn’t hurt to have a computer or two that does not run on Windows or iOS.

  2. Same thing happened with McAfee a few years back. I am an IT provider and this is exactly why I never recommend using 3rd parties for security. The are all selling smoke and mirrors. And no this is not a conspiracy, it is just plain incompetence and was limited to only Crowdstrike customers.

  3. Quite a while back…years maybe, somewhere on these pages, Phil wrote a great post on “Saving Everything” important online regarding certain issues because info is being scrubbed from the web and history is being rewritten. Dayyuum if he wasn’t SPOT ON! I recently noticed Web Archive (Wayback Machine) has also scrubbed from their archives!!

  4. This reminds me of the days of yore when MS would release an update and after installation you’d get the “blue screen of death” for no apparent reason. MS would then be scrambling to release a patch to the patch.

    I wrote a post on this way, way, way back on a Yahoo(remember when Yahoo was a thing) article about a recent MS update that caused intermittent crashes, asking the simple question “Don’t they test this stuff be fore they release it”. Some idiot, probably a MS employee, commented that I was comparing “a complex operating system to a toaster” which, of course, I had never alluded to.

    That just illustrates the mentality of some people even 25-30 years ago. Then we wonder how cancel culture, LGBTQWXYZ and many other similar movement intruded on our culture. It’s probably been going on longer than that, but we or at least I just didn’t recognize the propaganda and boolshit for what it was.

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