I have found that 2 stiff fingers at the base of the throat works best.
for added fun, put 4 fingers hard and fast under the ribs going in and up
people tend to puke while trying to breathe at that point. fastest way to end things I have ever found. well, besides shooting the asshole that is.
thanks to uncle Jack for teaching that trick to me many years ago.
Don’t be that guy Cederq, except when no ones looking.
No, my favorite is the xyphiod process or xiphisternum or metasternum is the small cartilaginous process at the base or inferior part of the breastplate, it is arrow shaped and if you get your fingers under it and pull up, you can make your opponent dance Irish Clogging, the Waltz and twerk all at the same time. Careful though, pull up too hard and you will drive the back of the breastbone directly in front of the heart into it and bad things can and will happen.
It’s not nice to fool around the area of the Pericardium, CederQ…
I have found that 2 stiff fingers at the base of the throat works best.
for added fun, put 4 fingers hard and fast under the ribs going in and up
people tend to puke while trying to breathe at that point. fastest way to end things I have ever found. well, besides shooting the asshole that is.
thanks to uncle Jack for teaching that trick to me many years ago.
Don’t be that guy Cederq, except when no ones looking.
No, my favorite is the xyphiod process or xiphisternum or metasternum is the small cartilaginous process at the base or inferior part of the breastplate, it is arrow shaped and if you get your fingers under it and pull up, you can make your opponent dance Irish Clogging, the Waltz and twerk all at the same time. Careful though, pull up too hard and you will drive the back of the breastbone directly in front of the heart into it and bad things can and will happen.
It’s not nice to fool around the area of the Pericardium, CederQ…
Well, knock yourself out. No, really!