5 thoughts on “Get the shot now!

  1. Oh my gosh, be very careful what you post about here. Dan will be calling you a holocaust denier and the thought police will be kicking in your door.

  2. And the big Why any of this Covid Crap became such an issue is because of the TRUE AGENDA behind all of it is this: THEY (Big Pharma & Big Gov Health Organizations, & their billionaire supporters like Bill Gates & George Soros), want to reduce the worldwide population. This is the root of all this HOGWASH & Climate Change BS. As if they even have the answers, or more to the point, perhaps they’re asking the wrong questions. Come on folks, use your brains. Our world has survived and adapted to all kinds of climate change for eons without anyone’s help. And it will continue to do so, because only God is in control. Not the government, not the enviromentalists, nor the global warming, climate changers, who would love to have everyone believe that if we do what they say, we’ll be saving our planet. Please.

    • The problem will be resolved if you “mentally unhinged” people will just pay more taxes and start to comply. You deniers need to get with the program and start accepting that what we say and allow you to see on tv is all the truth you need to know.

  3. Sent this meme to my 4 vaxxed sibs. First response back was fron my specialist doctor bro. Word. He said. Then said . “Insightful.”
    He knows now. He is a hospital doctor. Kind of had to get the jab. I understand. I also risked my job as a mechanical designer, but would have been fired before I would have gotten it. I’m still employed at the same place. But resented by those who took the jab. I got the first covid 19 virus in 2020.Tho it was bad. Thought I might die. It was close.
    The delta twice. And the Omicron at least once. Still kicking.. Still pureblood. Haven’t had a sense of smell in 14 months. Since the delta. Worth it. I pray for my sibs.

  4. The fact that I still see commercials pushing that shit is truly amazing how some people think, and others go right along with it.

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