10 thoughts on “Get The Bactine Out

  1. My mother could tell from the sound of the scream whether or not blood was involved. Most of the time didn’t even look up.

    • If you were stupid enough to show the injury to my mom she would pour Mercurochrome in it. Plus you couldn’t get a band-aid without her inspecting the wound to see if one was warranted. Which meant…

      • Mom was an old WW2 nurse, if it wasn’t spurting 10 feet of blood or a bone wasn’t sticking out of the skin, she wasn’t impressed and too, the mercurochrome came out and was liberally applied and if it stung like the dickens all the better for it. The bandaides were freely given out, of course if we could apply it then don’t waste time bothering mom…

  2. Same, Cederq. “Go get the Mecurichrome and here’s a band-aid. Stop whimpering!”

    She was NEVER flustered.

  3. My mother applied Mercurochrome liberally as well. Band Aid’s not so much. Most were scrapes that really couldn’t be covered adequately with a Band Aid anyway.

    She was on a first name basis with the nurses at the local ER. With seven children, there seemed to be always something that required more than primal first aid.

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