15 thoughts on “George Carlin Nods In Agreement

  1. I’m not on truth social, which is where the link goes to, and I ain’t creating an account, thank you, what’s the nutshell data dump, my friend.

  2. I’ve seen Clif on video say he’s only using his telegram feed, videos on
    bitchute & his substack newsletter.
    If it’s on ‘truth’ social it’s probably a phony.

    • Don’t care as to the actual source, it’s the TRUTH of the statement that’s important!

      Don’t be distracted by “SQUIRREL!

  3. Now, if we can eliminate the dieversity, the liberals, karen/kens we might reach genius level….

  4. A few years ago my brother told me a friend of his moved from western SD. to eastern S.D. He said the I.Q. went up on both ends of the State. Likely. true.

    • I left Eastern South Dakota and the mean IQ level dropped by 6 standard points…

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