10 thoughts on “Gardening Suggestion

  1. Looks kind of awkward. Getting to the middle veggies is going to be a challenge absent some paths.

    • Sprouts are a wonderful way to destroy several hundred (literally) of potential mature cabbages (for example) for a “Sprout Salad” that will have you hungry soon afterwards.

      One salad vs given typical good truck gardening seed to cabbages success of 3 seeds to one 6-11 pound mature head of cabbage your throwing away using SMALL sized cabbages 600+ pounds of real food. I’m not going to do the math for the literal multiplier of vitamins and such but one 6 pound cabbage head has far more vitamin/calorie values that that “Sprout Salad”.

      One could argue but what about Alfalfa we don’t EAT Alfalfa. Well, YES WE DO it’s called milk, cheese, butter, chickens, eggs, rabbits and so on. Less efficient that eating it directly but STILL more calorie filling that eating sprouts.

  2. Classic 5 acres and independence stuff. Not too bad if you have plenty of chemical fertilizer and fuel for the tillers and such.

    SCREAMS Garden HERE to all even Hood Rats.

    Somehow, I keep noticing that both fuel and fertilizer is getting really expensive.

    Please folks start gardening like it’s IMPORTANT.

    Companion planting helps plants do better and really screws up the bug pests that want to decimate your gardening efforts. Marigolds even do a pretty good job keeping deer and rodents out of my garden. Not Caludia often called pot marigold (they smell nice make skin cream out of them) but the industrial smelly Marigolds. Easy to save Marigold seeds, if you have mild winters, they self-seed.

    Keyhole gardens can be set up to look like a nasty compost pile mess and IF you avoid growing easily known stuff like Corn, Red Tomatoes and such you’d be amazed how few folks will know what a carrot looks like IF it’s NOT IN Straight Tidy Rows. Easy access to weed and water. Easier to fertilize JUST the plants and not the many pathways shown in the “Classic 1950’s Garden picture”.

    BTW they do have heirloom tomatoes in Not Red colors. Some ugly looking but awesome tasting tomatoes. Just saying.

    I’ve hidden both sweet and regular Irish potatoes in flower beds in HOA’s and got away with it.

    Our “Leadership” is owned by the Chinese and as Michael Yon says PanFamWar is coming to America. Tempus Fugit.

  3. I still like the raised bed way of doing it. a lot easier to work on and get around it
    and you going to have to work on it. weeding and getting rid of bugs and other bullshit. did it that way with dear old dad back in the day.
    I remember grandma garden was kind of laid out something like that, but a it bigger- farm girl, 13 kids- big ass garden ! and she let her chickens run thru most of it too on bug patrol , kept them away from anything that turned red as they would
    peck them to death.
    lots of beans though, spent a lots of summer afternoon on the back porch snapping beans for her as a kid doing that and stringing them as well.
    I remember she had a summer kitchen off the main kitchen with lots of windows
    and a real high ceiling too. vents just below the roof like.
    she had a ton of ball jars too. and on a wood fired stove too.
    they had 2 different root cellars as well, one under the smokehouse and another like 40 yards away. I was told this was in case of a fire they wouldn’t lose everything. the more I remember about back then, the more I wish I was older to ask him a lot more questions about stuff and why he did the things he did
    but the farm is long gone now. sold off in lots like . what where pastures and gardens are now home plots. the barns are gone too. damn shame too. I spent a lot of summers having a great time there.

  4. You forgot the the ASSHOLES and ELBOWS isle. LOL. I used to help my father in his small TRUCK patch. He probably would had been better with out me. BUT, He insisted. DAT wuz about 58?

  5. No protection. Rabbits and Deer will decimate that garden around my place.

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