9 thoughts on “Future Politician, Guaranteed

  1. I’m pretty sure that at that age I wasn’t even aware that politics existed, let alone care about it. Is it now weird to think that parents and adults should just let kids be kids.

    • that is a good kid, if kids are going to be groomed then do it the right way, to love our country.
      when i was a kid we ran around saying ‘Nixon, Nixon he’s our man, if he can’t do it no one can ” we played cowboys and indians ” and then kicked each other in the nuts just for fun or climb a tree.
      what has happened to kids? i know, those god damed cell phones, so sad.
      good times in the 60’s. i wouldn’t be alive today if it were not for Mercurochrome and band-aids

  2. Tell us something we don’t know and I would be amazed. Another grifter podcaster who will probably make lots of money having never to do manuel labor, which is good for the soul.

    Until the grid goes down, he and his parents will be shitting bricks then, and not the kind you can build with.

    • Can those bricks burn like buffalo dung?
      He might start a company turning them into fire starters. Come on man.

      My fluency in sarcasm in full display.
      You all will miss me when I’m gone.

  3. Nice to see a young person with that approach to life. Hope it lasts as he gets older.

  4. He delivered his lines just like his parents wanted. “Conservative kid?” Get him away from the script and see what he knows about liberty and freedom.

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