It smacks of directional arrows in the supermarket aisles no?
Subsequently, the price of eggs goes through the roof.
Ripple effects.
They learned a few things after the supply line catastrophe during the “Covid Epidemic” didn’t they?
What apparently escaped their attention is our abilities of observation.
As Stupie McFuckwit was so famously quoted for saying,
“There’s an old saying in Tennessee – I know it’s in Texas, probably in Tennessee – that says, fool me once, shame on – shame on you. Fool me – you can’t get fooled again”
We ain’t fooled again.
I just had to comment on the quote from George the lesser (aka “the shrub”). I don’t know why, but that line still gets a solid laugh from me after all these years. Maybe the only time screwing up a common expression somehow made it better than the original. Had a lot to do with the guy saying it, of course. And it’s way better than. El jebbe’s infamous “please clap.” As to the bird flu thing, yeah, business as usual for these scheming sonsabitches.
well, I didn’t “obey” during the last bullshit scam. like a paper mask is going to stop a level 4 bioweapon ? yeah, right. I remember going to the supermarket with my grandson and EVERYONE had a stupid mask on. one lady said something, I forget what. but I know I told her it was all bullshit.
besides, NONE of their rules made any sense at all ?
it all comes down to the same thing. these assholes want to control us.
and food has been used as a weapon for most of history.
NEVER give up your guns. it is the only thing stopping most of the assholes that want to rule over us. HELL, just look at what is happening in the Europe today.
and that is what they have planned for us as well. just remember that if nothing else.
SHUT UP!! KILL THE CHICKENS!! Pay more for less! Go hungry! STARVE! HURRY!!
Oh, hey, what about 2 weeks to flatten the curve?
That was two leap weeks. 9 years to go.
You would think if bird flu had any credibility then the world would be in crisis over the impending die off of virtually all bird populations and the effect it would have on the ecology of the entire planet, yet not a peep about that.
I live in a farming community. The winter pricing is $4 for a dozen eggs. That is because the chickens produce fewer eggs in cold weather. It will drop back to $3 a dozen when the weather warms up.
This “bird flu” virus supposedly originated in CHINA 3-4 years ago. Can anyone explain how a virus jumps two oceans and the largest continent on the planet to arrive here?
I’m pretty sure that we’re not importing live chickens from China, so how does it get here?
A panicked cat snuck onto a plane in Beijing…
It does infect wild birds with varying symptoms. Most chickens are raised in factory farmed in close confinement.
All IN know is that I have YET to see a dead or sick bird where, and the “bird flu” is supposedly well established here. What’s next; kill PEOPLE when THEY get the flu?
…Give ’em an inch and they’ll take a mile…
If you don’t ‘know’ it, don’t understand it or haven’t seen it then it must, in fact, be false. Basic epistemology.
they realize they aren’t getting traction w/ tweetie flu, so they are ginning up a tribal war in the home of ebola, the congo. the red cross has biolab?research facility there to “study” it. any bets on who funds it?
They are blaming bird flu for the death of two bald eagle babies near Tallahassee. Parents brought infected food back to nest..
Hadn’t heard that. Our two eaglets in n. Ft. Myers died from it. They are famous on-camera birds for years now.
Reported by a coworker; $12.00/dozen in the Costco near Rialto, Ca.
When West Nile Virus made its debut in California there were dead and sick birds EVERYWHERE. Gruesome Newsom declared another one of his power-grab “states of emergency” because of the “bird flu.” That basically quarantines all the counties in the sate. ‘Lotta good that will do, except for Newsom. “Bird flu” was found at a chicken ranch near Petaluma, CA. All the rancher’s birds were killed by “the authorities.” The rancher said “You can practice biosecurity until the cows come home. All you need is for a sick bird to shit inside the biosecurity perimeter, and there you have it; “bird flu.” Remember when sick animals died, and the rest kept going and moved on? It was called “natural selection.” These days, the Left thinks it’s GOD… We all know how THAT will work out…
And I meant to add that since “bird flu” showed up, I’ve seen ZERO dead or sick birds. NONE. ZILCH.
I have over 400 wild birds hanging around my place. They are beautiful, fun to watch, fun to feed, and I’ve never heard one of them sneeze….
Admit it…you’ve been feeding them Zicam, haven’t you?
Anyone want to bet that the next species to get infected with the “bird flu” will be pigs(bacon, pork, etc.)?
I’m shocked the meme lord conspiracy theorists took this long to come up with that
Actually we had two eaglets here in N.Ft. Myers that succumbed to bird flu. It’s only a matter of time before that story goes national.