5 thoughts on “Fun dayssss, eh?

  1. Had that happened to me in college. Came home, and went to find my baggie… wasn’t where I had left it… then I noticed the roommates cat was alllll sorts of fucked up.

    Lil Bastard ate my weed man….

  2. Neighbor’s cat liked to walk on freshly washed and waxed car. I planted some catnip at the edge of my driveway. The neighbor’s cat will show up and get stoned out on the catnip but is no longer walking on the car.

  3. Living on the island, got up one morning and could not find the 3 dogs.
    Did a search, found one passed out, barely responsive, the other two down, sleeping in the yard. Further searching I find a “square grouper” they had drug in from the east beach, they had chewed a hole in one corner. The 3 had consumed a very small amount, but it must have been some good stuff. The young male would fall over each time he tried to hike his leg to take a leak. All three recovered nicely, but it took most of the day. The responding LEO was nonchalant, guess he’s seen a lot of those stray packages, estimated the one we found at 40,000.00 value.
    The dogs were not arrested, nor cited.

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