7 thoughts on “Fuckin’ Sheeple, I Swear

  1. Is this from Germany? Funniest thing I ever saw; there was flooding somewhere in Germany after some big storm, but somehow there was still power for the stoplights. A few guys came paddling down the street in a little boat, but when the light turned red they stopped and waited. Obedience runs bone deep over there.

  2. Hm, thought that video could be from ‘murica…..considering how fat those folks are. Who was the politician that said this country had an obesity problem? In my travels I have seen the truth of that statement. Way too many carbs in the American diet.

  3. Anyone else remember the Candid Camera stunt involving railroad signs and crossing arms out in the middle of nowhere, with speakers hidden in the bushes?
    A car would approach, the cross arms would come down, the driver would step out and look confused when nothing was seen but the sound of a train passing could be heard.

  4. This is what happens when Fetal Alcohol Syndrome kids breed.

    If they’d needed instructions to breathe, instead of a functioning brainstem, they’d have died in the crib.

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