4 thoughts on “Fuck You, Very Much

  1. Don’t you find it odd that the only person the democrats convicted of (supposed) felonies was The President of the United States, Donald Trump ?
    Never mind the 17+ million ilegal aliens who committed felonies by crossing our border illegally.
    I guess democrats like being around felons as long as they have no money or power.

  2. back when I lived in philly, I KNEW voting was a waste of time. it was always fixed
    one way or another. the guy next door worked for the dems and in 2012 he told me that the district voted 100% for Bozo. I asked him how as I didn’t vote for him.
    he didn’t talk to me for close to 2 months after that. I guess that is why my dad stopped voting back in the 1990’s.
    one thing we really need is term limits on these assholes. and now we have the asshole in charge telling us “it will be some time before we know who wins”
    bullshit ! it not all that hard to hate these people after all.
    one thing people don’t know much about was the second Nuremberg trails.
    the one where the doctors and media clowns where held to account for the shit they did and hoped to get away with.

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