I’d say Fuck Joe Biden too but that senile motherfucker isn’t even in charge of where they put the plastic spoons he uses to eat his pudding with.
Nope, this is on those parasitic cocksuckers at the Federal Reserve and the minions they use to set monetary policy, like that little gnome Janet Yellen.
In case anyone hasn’t been paying attention to the inflation destroying our money and way of life, let me give you a very small example.

Those 3 sticks of wood trim and that small bottle of wood glue just cost me forty four fucking dollars.
The wood glue used to be $1.29 a bottle and the trim used to be about $3.00 each.
Now the glue is $4.49 and the trim pieces are about $11.50 each.
This piece of plywood cost me $50.00.

Then I had to pay extra to have it cut into 5 pieces.
I actually needed some of those cut down again but I said fuck paying $5.50 a cut and had my buddy dig his little table saw out and rip them down for me so I could make some 6 inch wide shelves.
Including the screws, trim, plywood, glue, 3 HD plug in strips etc. and I am into this little project for over $250.00.
Oh BTW, I am no kind of carpenter, trust me.

But I am trying to get this little work space I am working on figured out and finished so I can move on to cleaning out the crap I want to get rid of.
Part of that is figuring out how to maximize the utility of what little space I have laid out to use for this purpose and going vertical just makes sense.
Now a lot of the tooling I use for the mini lathe is right there in reach and not buried in a tool box drawer or getting knocked onto the floor from the top of it.
I’m thinking about mounting a small bar type light underneath that shelf in the bottom picture too.
First I have to see if my loan gets approved.

Just a small note here.
This isn’t killing me financially by any stretch of the imagination, I’m just venting because it pisses me off.
We are fine, thanks.
Last time I moved, a couple guys helping me asked why I was moving all those pieces of material. Not that I build much these days, but I’m glad I won’t need to go buy anything for my little projects when they come up. It’s been several years since I last bought some baltic birch plywood, and I paid through the nose – and the stuff wasn’t even flat.
My sister just paid $1.79 at Home Depot for one individually wrapped screw. the world has gone crazy.
Everything is going up, quick.
I feel for young families.
Well if you don’t like it, then make your own plywood. No one is forcing you to pay $50 for a piece of plywood. You have a saw and some glue, right? And wendyworn’s sister can make her own screw. That’s the free market at work. Your problem is that you expect the government to take care of you and set prices. You don’t see that all government is an organized crime gang of shakedown artists.
Yellen is a obviously part of the organized crime gang, but if you’re implying that her people are to blame, that’s ridiculous because they only have 2% of the vote. So they have no power. Zero. None. We all know that this is a direct democracy and each individual’s political power and influence are exactly equal. Wealth, position and nepotism are not real. They don’t mean anything. And muh non-aggression principle and muh Mistress Ayn Rand. Do you smoke? If you don’t, you’re probably a parasite and looter. Because The Mistress smoked. The light of a burning cigarette is symbolic of the light of human intellect and liberty. The flame of sacred Reason at the literal fingertips of the Elect few whose untrammeled genius makes civilization possible. See you real human beings in Galt’s Gulch or Roatan. The rest of you statist monkeys can rot.
Yellen is a obviously part of the organized crime gang, but if you’re implying that her people are to blame, that’s ridiculous because they only have 2% of the vote. So they have no power. Zero. None. We all know that this is a direct democracy and each individual’s political power and influence are exactly equal. Wealth, position and nepotism are not real. They don’t mean anything.
Correct. Which part of a ballot handwritten with “Ron Paul” can be magically rewritten by the magic of her people, magically? Which parts of the brains of 300 million Americans can be remotely controlled by the mainstream media? You are pretending that individual first world humans don’t have agency. You are repeating and amplifying the Yellen PR.
You’re trying sell a contradiction:
1) Most American voters are rugged individualists, therefore the average of the politician/policy/party they vote for is objectively reasonable, therefore we morally should obey it merely to be good neighbors; and
2) Most American voters are non-player-characters programmed by whoever is programming the mainstream media, and therefore we morally should not obey it if it seems crazy.
When you see gibberish like the above from Mike_C, realize that there are flashing sarc and humor tags implied. I know him from VM and elsewhere – he’s not angling for a bunk closer to the stove…
Everybody I know of a Liberal persuasion keeps telling me how great the economy is because “Tuh Stock Market” and points to record high stock values.
I keep screaming that if your cheeseburger has doubled in price in the last 2 years, your stock portfolio must necessarily have doubled too… just to keep up with the printing presses.
This great stock market is just inflationary too.
Meh, doesn’t look too bad. I’d add some bracing under the shelves, though, for strength.
Think plywood prices are bad? Check out cabinet quality lumber sometime.
I just got done doing exactly that. One on each end for the moment, I have more. A dozen of the smallest and cheapest sheet metal shelf supports and two boxes of screws was sixty three fucking dollars at Parkrose Hardware..
The screws holding the plywood shelves are more for decoration than any holding power. If you can get a piece of 1×2 under the back edge of the shelf you can screw the 1×2 to your backboard and then screw the 1×2 to your shelf. No brackets needed.
Self employed contractor here. Kinda chuckled as I read this. I routinely get sticker shocked when doing my estimates. What’s more shocking is I’m booked into 2025. Not sustainable. We’re fooked.
Buy ahead if you have the money and the space to store it. Think of the things you need to repair. Your money will never buy more than it does now.
Look at where things are made. We’ve outsourced so much. Wood trim made in Brazil, one of the BRICS countries.
I finally had to come to grips with the notion that my money is worth less every day. If I don’t invest it into hard objects it’s gonna be toilet paper. I’m forking out 12G for a foundation. 20G for a metal building kit. Wiring it and putting in an office is a scary thought. I’ll be digging around for used but serviceable everything, no doubt.
If you don’t use it, you’ll lose it.
Hello, Weimer Republic calling. You WILL accept the charges.
Yep 1913 and 1971 were bad years, and Christmas Eve of all days. Evil bastards.
Oh yeah income tax in 1913 as well. We used to finance our goobermint with tariffs
Phil, still praying for you my friend
the clear pine boards at HD come all the way from new zealand. as if we ran out of *&&%%$% pine trees in america. it is f&&%&*ing ridiculous.
Folks there are several websites that list upcoming estate sales with many pictures of available items. Last fall was able to get a twenty four ft extension ladder for a hundred. There were three small parts cabinets filled with fasteners of various sorts. Two were listed for five and one for ten. Good quality electric tools going for twenty, twenty five percent of new. Spend a little time instead of lots of money.
Ole Grump.
Phil, for light, look into LED light strips. They weight next to nothing, are brighter than you might think, and you can run them off 12VDC.
We can lay a large part of price increases on the Ecoweenies and the politicians that listen to them.
Think about it.