Fuck Joe Biden

And Fuck this stupid Bint too.

All I can say is that instead of costing me $125 to fill my tank the other day, it only cost me $85.

Which is still about $30 more than it did when Trump was in office.

7 thoughts on “Fuck Joe Biden

  1. It’s much worse than you think.
    This is a good listen:

    Everything everyone in Congress does is theatre, including all of them with maybe one or two exceptions. And they are all INSANE. No reason or logic exists anymore. The price of gas is a distraction. The government controls the price of gas, not the oil companies. They’ll lower it to calm the crowd. Then raise it to make more on the backend.

    • DMM I have come to the conclusion they are all grifters. If they post on social media, main stream media, substack or where ever and are getting paid. Even Tucker Carlson mostly. They are all reporting what we already know but do not call for expulsion of the guilty. Fuck ’em

      • Grifters? Too mild – they are venal, corrupt, and amoral. And that’s just their GOOD characteristics.
        Gadianton Robbers, all.

  2. I had to block her on Twitter. She started showing up in my feed and that is no bueno. She’s an idiot. I have a no tard rule.

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