Every Ecosystem on the planet has adapted to the Sun rising in the East and setting in the West for Billions of years.
But No.
Some Wiseass thinks he can do better by fucking with everyone’s Circadian Rhythm and hacking the clocks around an hour every six months, so we can be “More Productive”.
Fuck that guy and Fuck Daylight Savings Time.
If it weren’t for electronic clocks everywhere I turn, I wouldn’t know what the fuck time it is and wouldn’t fucking care either.
It’s Sunday morning, I wake up this morning and the clock says it’s 5:45 in the fucking morning.
You can bet your ass there is going to be a nap in my future today.
Dirty sonsabitches.

Haven’t worn a watch in decades nor used an alarm even with them fucking with the clock.
Yeah, me either. I work at a computer all day so I have a clock in corner telling me the time. My mobile phone has a clock as well so I’m covered from the time I leave my desk and do other things.
The hour back and forth shift really doesn’t bother me that much. I think it was back in 70’s when Daylight Savings Time was foregone and I was showing up at junior high school in the dark and was still dark after 1st period. That was a bit strange.
fuck it all Phil.
I have not worn a watch in years now. retired back in 2010, stopped wearing it a year or so later. and I do have a nice watch. Omega speedmaster. the moon watch
got it years ago for saving a guy life. long and boring story.
anyway, the damn thing needs to be serviced, like a Benz does.
sent it in to the factory repair shop a few years ago. what they wanted to bring it back to new, 1500 bucks (??) I have this close to 40 some odd years and they where like 1200 bucks back then new. might get it fixed this spring, maybe.
That’s why I wear a $15 digital watch that is accurate to within about 10 seconds a month. That’s plenty close since I no longer work a job where I need to be accurate to within less than 1 second. I’ve had it four or five years and haven’t even had to replace the battery yet. If it dies or breaks, I’ll just buy another one. It has two time zones and a stop watch and I don’t need any other functions.
I refuse to use my phone as a watch, unlike many people.
FF, I have an insulin pump I carry in my breast pocket and that is all the watch I need…
got rid of the damn cell phone after I retired too.
land line works just fine when I need to make a call.
which is not very often.
You supposedly got an extra hour of sleep last night and you still need a nap? But I do agree – we need to get rid of this DST crap but they want to make it permanent. Noon is when the sun is at its zenith and is what standard time is based upon.
I wholeheartedly agree!
Only government could come up with a way to screw up time.
Split the difference and then LEAVE IT ALONE!
DST is especially hard on children with set bedtimes and schedules.
And as far as I know, dairy cows can’t read clocks.
Fuck DST
It’s hard on me, I am already for a nap….
Animals can’t tell time? You ever late feeding a cat or dog, not go to bed when you normally do? They may not comprehend a clock digit, but they know what time it is
Operative word is cows can’t READ Clocks. I agree with you. You misunderstood my premise. I didn’t articulate my thoughts very well, so not your fault. Animals have an innate clock. Milk cows can’t differentiate between being milked at 5am and the clock change for 4am and they don’t comprehend that 5am is now 4am or vs versus. They are just used to a specific schedule. A dear friend has a dairy farm and they gradually adjust the milking schedule over a period of time so the cows can adjust. Hope that clears that up.
Now go take a nap, I’ll join you in that siesta.
According to a famous poster on this and many other sites, you’re all just really lazy and because you don’t want to spend 5 minutes playing around with your clocks you allowed a demented pedo to gain control of your country and ruin your economy. I refuse to be lectured by a lost guppy.
One of the two reasons why I like the biannual clock shift is how much I enjoy that it provokes so many people to go splenetic. As if we’ve no larger fish to fry? (!)
It took me twenty minutes to figure out how to change the clock in my truck last Spring.
I’ll never get that back.
Yeah that – we were trying to adjust the clock in my wife’s 2014 Rogue. Talk about an Eff’d up process, menue select press press press and got to screen, but could not figure out which control adjust hour. My 2000 GMC has a button for that – easy peasy. WTH Nissan, why make it so hard to adjust your clock ?
I leave the one in my car set to regular time. It’s pretty easy to reset. I just don’t bother.
It’s standard time now, which as it should be. That flip in the spring? F that.
Doesn’t bother me. I go by Zulu time.
Us Navigators always go by Zulu time.
The dumbass politicians in CO passed a law for year-round DST, but of course it’s contingent on Congress allowing such, and at least those idiots can’t agree on DST vs ST. That said, much as I dislike DST, it’d be preferable to flipping the clock twice a year.
I wish I were retired, so I could just not give a shit.
As nice as it sounds to go back to 1775, you also get: no electricity, no running water, no A/C, no vehicles, no refrigeration, no real medicine, not even aspirin, no toilet paper. I’m sure I could think of more, but hopefully you get the drift. It actually would suck to be alive in 1775. The people alive then were a whole hell of a lot tougher than we are now. If we went back, we would not make it for long.
No electricity or vehicles pretty much covers everything else.
Daylight Saving time