He can be my neighbor, especially if he doesn’t play mariachi music or rap music. C&W would be fine…
Yup, he can be my neighbor, because he gets it. I will put up with some Mariachi music if he puts up with me blasting some Classical, Blues, or Heavy Metal.
Sorry Judy, the Heavy Metal just queered the deal…
I’m with you as it just seems like screaming to my ears. Bayou Renaissance Man has Sunday morning music. Today it Rachmaninoff but he had a metal singer on by Dan Vasc singing Amazing Grace. OMG, what a voice. Voice coach’s, mainly opera, were amazed at the control. Sings in 4 langues.
He could be my neighbor too. Mariachi music is kinda like Jazz only at a faster tempo, except for their ballads. Just don’t play it so loud people in Mexico can hear it.
Mariachi is polka with tequila.
I can put up with the mariachi and nortenia (I don’t have a tilde on my keyboard). That’s part and parcel to living out West. …As long as it’s not turned up to 11 on a scale of 10…
…Screw the monkey music though…
My wife is a naturalized citizen, born in Mexico. She came here LEGALLY. That girl BLEEDS red, white, and blue!!!
I don’t mind listening to mariachi music if it is played at a reasonable volume level and not four or five mariachi songs all being played at the same time and a battle of the loudest bands are in play…
That’s just hate speech. And that guy is clearly a white supermacist. He needs To Do Better. There can only be one ethnostate, and the US ain’t it.
Homan needs to give that man a job.
This is what I’ve been saying. In my travels in East Asia and Southwest Asia or even Mexico you did not want to get caught without out the correct unexpired visas. You would go straight to a really unpleasant jail.
Africa is a continent, not a country….
pedantic /pə-dăn′tĭk/
Characterized by a narrow, often ostentatious concern for academic knowledge and formal rules.
“a pedantic attention to details.”
Of or pertaining to a pedant; characteristic of, or resembling, a pedant; ostentatious of learning.
“a pedantic writer; a pedantic description; a pedantical affectation.”
Like a pedant, overly concerned with formal rules and trivial points of learning.
“Africa” is a generalization for the countries over there. You know that… ‘Nuff said…
Although, like many people he assumes Africa is a country not a continent with over 50 countries, his point is just a common sense conclusion. We however continue to apply common sense to people who have none.
Strange. Around here in Saskatchewan, there are people who have the Canadian Flag on poles next to our Provincial Flag. Some here will lower the Provincial Flag and raise the Stars and Stripes on July 4 to acknowledge the partnership; and there are tons of Regimental Flags all over (including USMC,) and if you aren’t paying attention, you never notice them.
We still have some who have Ukrainian, British, German, Finnish or Norwegian flags in their windows, yet I have yet to see anything jackass stupid outside of Toronto, Vancouver or Calgary, where they fly that Arab-Nazi Flag (Palestine.)
Good job young man.
I don’t care what kind of music my neighbor plays.
People like this are welcome to be my neighbor, anytime.
And someone with his head screwed on as correctly as this guys head is screwed on, would know better than to play music loud enough to annoy his neighbors.
He can be my neighbor, especially if he doesn’t play mariachi music or rap music. C&W would be fine…
Yup, he can be my neighbor, because he gets it. I will put up with some Mariachi music if he puts up with me blasting some Classical, Blues, or Heavy Metal.
Sorry Judy, the Heavy Metal just queered the deal…
I’m with you as it just seems like screaming to my ears. Bayou Renaissance Man has Sunday morning music. Today it Rachmaninoff but he had a metal singer on by Dan Vasc singing Amazing Grace. OMG, what a voice. Voice coach’s, mainly opera, were amazed at the control. Sings in 4 langues.
He could be my neighbor too. Mariachi music is kinda like Jazz only at a faster tempo, except for their ballads. Just don’t play it so loud people in Mexico can hear it.
Mariachi is polka with tequila.
I can put up with the mariachi and nortenia (I don’t have a tilde on my keyboard). That’s part and parcel to living out West. …As long as it’s not turned up to 11 on a scale of 10…
…Screw the monkey music though…
My wife is a naturalized citizen, born in Mexico. She came here LEGALLY. That girl BLEEDS red, white, and blue!!!
I don’t mind listening to mariachi music if it is played at a reasonable volume level and not four or five mariachi songs all being played at the same time and a battle of the loudest bands are in play…
That’s just hate speech. And that guy is clearly a white supermacist. He needs To Do Better. There can only be one ethnostate, and the US ain’t it.
Homan needs to give that man a job.
This is what I’ve been saying. In my travels in East Asia and Southwest Asia or even Mexico you did not want to get caught without out the correct unexpired visas. You would go straight to a really unpleasant jail.
Africa is a continent, not a country….
pedantic /pə-dăn′tĭk/
Characterized by a narrow, often ostentatious concern for academic knowledge and formal rules.
“a pedantic attention to details.”
Of or pertaining to a pedant; characteristic of, or resembling, a pedant; ostentatious of learning.
“a pedantic writer; a pedantic description; a pedantical affectation.”
Like a pedant, overly concerned with formal rules and trivial points of learning.
“Africa” is a generalization for the countries over there. You know that… ‘Nuff said…
Although, like many people he assumes Africa is a country not a continent with over 50 countries, his point is just a common sense conclusion. We however continue to apply common sense to people who have none.
…now let’s start really stirring up some shit:
Strange. Around here in Saskatchewan, there are people who have the Canadian Flag on poles next to our Provincial Flag. Some here will lower the Provincial Flag and raise the Stars and Stripes on July 4 to acknowledge the partnership; and there are tons of Regimental Flags all over (including USMC,) and if you aren’t paying attention, you never notice them.
We still have some who have Ukrainian, British, German, Finnish or Norwegian flags in their windows, yet I have yet to see anything jackass stupid outside of Toronto, Vancouver or Calgary, where they fly that Arab-Nazi Flag (Palestine.)
Good job young man.
I don’t care what kind of music my neighbor plays.
People like this are welcome to be my neighbor, anytime.
And someone with his head screwed on as correctly as this guys head is screwed on, would know better than to play music loud enough to annoy his neighbors.