5 thoughts on “Fuck All Of ‘Em.

  1. What happened to Conservative Constitutional Republicans? There’s a handful of them in DC and those in most state and local are dem lite. All I can think of is UniParty-ism. Is it that simple?

  2. Notice that most all of the RINO’s or actual Demonrats that ran and were elected as Republicans are resigning from CONgress so the majority can be flipped back to Demonrat? Their plan is to elect another new Demonrat Speaker and NOT certify the 2024 election if it’s Trump for President, those sneaky eeffoc’s.

    In the new spending bill abortion, $650M for state and local .gov’s and NGO’s(read Catholic Charities and the like) to help continue the invasion over and above what these org’s are currently getting in direct welfare payments AND $2.2B that’s BILLION with a B to help “facilitate processing” of new invaders, whatever the hell THAT means.

  3. In some ways its worse here in merry old England, the Conservative Party has not a conservative bone to its decrepit body, it conserves nothing.
    Labour (Democrat) party are no different, truly they are the Uniparty, two cheeks of the same smelly arse.
    We have a choice, a desperate one, one party deserves to lose the other does not deserve to win, how the hell did we get here.
    I too am voting for anyone bar the Uniparty, but with the intention of destroying the Cons, Labour will get in but it has to happen this way, the Cons must be destroyed to allow some genuinely conservatively minded party to grow.
    It won’t happen because our sheep like electorate will once again vote for the same traitors they always do, depending on who promises them more free stuff than the other team and once again they’ll expect a different result = lunacy.

  4. Too late to vote ’em out, too early to chootem’.

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