From Wirecutter’s site to a post from T.L.’s Posts and Podcasts

The American people, at least the reader, has to start getting tough. Those in the government are not your enemies, because they don’t even give you the respect of being a human being. They consider you less than that and they’ve made that clear since 2008 when they threw the people under the bus so they could bail out the banks as if a total crash and reset wouldn’t have benefitted the people. It would have. We would now be climbing to new heights of prosperity.

The evil that man will do, the good that man can do is pick up that rifle.

9 thoughts on “From Wirecutter’s site to a post from T.L.’s Posts and Podcasts

  1. @ Bear Claw
    The question is (and always has been):
    Who is going to be in the front line?
    The Catholic/Anglican church adores its martyrs, the rest of Chistianity not so much, Judaism has always wondered about the “selfless ones”, as opposed to Islam, which, if in the promotion of Islam, sends them straight to heaven.
    I’m not certain if we’ve (the men only) become a nation or pussies or the rest of us have become too comfortable saying: “I’m right behind you”.
    Leaders are far and few between – if not almost castratrated out of existance today.

    • By design. Someone will snap though, they won’t be human when that happens. The we all need to be Samuel Whittmore

  2. I’m AWP for sighting in my Enfield. Otherwise good to go.

    ‘Course, I’m moving to Utah a week from today………

  3. yeah, I did a whole lot of looking before I retired up here in the woods.
    there are a LOT of vets up here. a lot of nice guys. I met a lot of them already.
    also there are a lot of hunters up here. good old boys and farmers
    hell, even the lawyer who drafted my will was a farmer part time.
    spent close to 2-3 hours with him the last time I was there. he had a lot of questions about what I thought about shit going on in this country and why I was up this way. nice guy. even if he is a lawyer. anyway. warned him about getting ammo and other stuff that will be nice to have when things go “south”
    one thing I have found up here is that Marines stick together. get to know one or more and then the whole group knows you. weird. but handy as they are willing to help when you need it. granted it is a 2 way street. 2 nights ago I drove over to one guy house with my torque wrench as his didn’t go high enough.
    smartest thing I ever did was help out these guys. they all willing to help if I need it. he had the old beam type and I have a good clicker one. very easy to use when you upside down under your truck and it getting dark.

    • You must be Dave in Toby Keith’s song as good as I once was. That’s a compliment you know.

      • well, a bunch of them showed up one time to “help” me split firewood. warning. do not try to keep up with them.
        on average, they are 10 years or so younger than me.
        also they in better shape ! in the space of 2-3 hours, they managed to split and stack 3 cords of firewood- I helped a bit.
        they kept telling me to sit down- they know my back is blown
        and shot to hell. anyway. they got it done and they also stop by to check on my ass now and then. seems like once a week now.
        they are good guys to know. BTW, they also brought the splitter with them. I have some tools they don’t have and know how to use them. they like the fact I have a small machine shop in the basement. they think tapping a stripped bolt hole is some sort of magical art ?
        or putting a scope mount is black magic . no big deal to drill and tap 4 holes 8-40 really.

      • yeah, well. I left my good readers on the table and had to borrow his to set the wrench. and stupid me also left my pocket flashlight right next to the damn glasses !
        he had to get his spare flashlight so I could see to set the wrench. I don’t think I going to hear the end of that either.

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