From Vox Day over at Vox Popoli.

SF is Dying and LA is Next

The store looting community have migrated from San Francisco to Los Angeles:

Dozens of thieves ransacked the Nordstrom, smashing displays and stealing an estimated $60,000- $100,000 worth of merchandise, authorities said.

Police responded to the scene around 4 p.m., but no arrests were made.

Videos show thieves clad in black, wearing face coverings, grabbing clothes and running out of the store.

“What happened today at the Nordstrom in the Topanga Mall is absolutely unacceptable,” Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass said in a statement. “Those who committed these acts and acts like it in neighboring areas must be held accountable.”

That’s a lovely sentiment. But the reality is they aren’t held accountable.

These smash and grab robberies have become commonplace in big blue cities — even running nearly all major retailers out of a once-booming downtown San Francisco.

The same thing is happening in London. An astonishing number of retailers, major and minor, have been driven out of downtown San Francisco already, now Oxford Street and the Topanga Mall appear to be the next sitting ducks.

Europeans became civilized after several centuries of methodically executing thieves and imposing other violent forms of civilization. Asians went through the same refining process, but even longer. Africans never went through it, which is why the dyscivilizational genetic patterns that were significantly reduced in the other primary human sub-species are still prevalent in them. Evolution by artificial selection doesn’t produce new species, but it does produce better-behaved animals and human beings.

So the people of the West have three choices. Either impose the same cruel and merciless system of punishment on petty criminals today that the medieval Europeans did or watch civilization collapse in every single major city with a substantially vibrant population. Or, of course, bring back freedom of association and segregation, but we know that won’t happen until society itself collapses.

The nations will be homogenous again; the patterns of history are inevitable and the diversity of today is imposed, subsidized, and artificial. The only question is just how terrible the process involved will be.


Posted on by VD

No changing this behavior, it is ingrained and reinforced and even celebrated. When people do step in, they are the ones charged and jailed. It will not be stopped until we adapt medieval Europe’s long history of dealing with thieves, murderers, rapist. A one day short trial or decision by a magistrate and a quick summary pronouncement of guilt and a quick execution or a prolonged torture and then death. Gallows and wood chippers will be in vogue… Kevin.

26 thoughts on “From Vox Day over at Vox Popoli.

  1. There have been several grab and run heists down the road in Chico,CA.. The female 13%ers that did it appear to be the same for all the jobs. A security guard was hired but, he was mid doughnut when this latest occurred.

  2. Vox has interesting things to say on occasion. But I have to roll my eyes every time he goes into one of his anti-boomer diatribes. It’s like he can’t see the similarity of what he’s complaining about with the complaints of the Boomers when they were young. A couple more generations and the young people then will be complaining about how Vox and his group royally screwed things up.

    • I am with you Frank. I am a Boomer, born in the late ’50s. I take it with a grain of salt and don’t read him in his diatribe. I am of the age don’t trust anybody over 30 and question authority, I still hold to the principles. Another one is Aesop, I am too a nurse, retired and with an advanced degree in that field and I roll my eyes when he gets off his expertise and when he bloativates about covid and earlier about ebola.

      • Alas, Beale gets outside of his “expertise” on a regular basis. I quit going to his blog and deleted the book mark. I haven’t missed him a bit.

      • Started skipping the Boomer diatribes early on, but the post heading leads to another “there he goes again” moment. For some reason Aesop reminds me of a guy who just graduated from college with a Philosophy degree. Convinced of his superior intellect and superior education, and won’t listen to anyone who disagrees with him. Dunno his age, but he comes across as a wet-behind-the-ears kid who needs some life experiences to round him out. Hope those are gentle on him:)

        • As I understand it, Aesop did a hitch in the Marines in artillery, not sure how long his hitch. Say fours and then at least 2 to 3 years getting his RN and then it seems at least he went ED at a hospital and has been for several years I have glanced at his blog I would say 32 maybe? I could be off, but what he has talked about pertaining to emergency medicine and his work. I could be wrong, been that way before. I did a five year hitch in the Army as an MP, saw Germany, Turkey, Bosnia(combat) and Korea. He at least walks and talks the walk of a Marine, worked with a lot of Marine MPs and worked twenty years as a nurse and he walks/talks that walk. Theodore Beale, (Vox Day) is another line item for another day…

    • Wow I thought I was the only one who thought the same of this Vox Day guy. Also am a boomer born in the late fifties but raised by immigrant parents who did not spare the rod when it was needed. Unfortunately here in canada the old ways arent allowed anymore. I think a good dose of the rod is needed on the younger generations and even their parents.

  3. So much for 15 minute cities. When there is no incentive to live in an shithole no one will. These motherWEFers dint think this completely through whilst stuffing their holes with waygoo beef and foigrah! CUNTS.

  4. Those Lib $hitholes deserve what they get and I feel for the innocent. I thought looters were to be shot on sight-site.

  5. This is going to be everywhere. Stay armed. All the time. Even at home. If you get hung up in a retail establishment where this starts to happen don’t be a hero. Just step out the back jack.

  6. this will only get worse in time as the bad guys realize that NOTHING is going to happen to them. so, if you do not have any weapons yet (??) you best get some
    here soon before the clowns try to outlaw them.
    on that note, ball ammo will kill very well if you hit them in the right spot.
    I really like the flat tip/nose ammo. tends to impact more on target.
    shotguns are great for short range, only thing that beats a shotgun is a flamethrower at close range. still thinking of getting /making one myself.
    once the stores close down, they go after the trucks ( I think they already have in a few places) after that, it will be homes/houses they raid for what they want.
    the cities will burn. after that the burbs will. any place inside of a half a tank of gas will be a target. gas stations are a twofer for them. they get wheels and gas
    if they time it right. then they go hunting/shopping.

  7. In the vids I have seen of this behavior, I notice that the apefricans seldom wear Masks or clothing that hides their dark Hide. I’m willing to bet that a lot of those Masked, Black-Clad ‘shoplifters’ are ‘white’ (((antifa))) operatives who are the Organizers of the Crimes. Since No One is ever ‘arrested’ in these events, it is Clear that the ‘government’ at all levels, Permits this to happen.

    Given that these things are Organized over the Phone Network, using various ‘social media’ and ‘messaging’ services, it would be Trivially Easy for the Police to get a Warrant to have the Cell Phone providers turn over Messaging, Geolocation and Ownership of the Phones involved….
    You Know, like for the “January 6 Insurrection”.

    • There are messaging apps out there that are end to end encrypted and even the app developer can’t decrypt the message, that’s why drug dealers use them. So, if they’re stupid enough to have their phones on them and powered on, then they can be ID’d by tower pings, assuming they’re smart enough to turn location services off. I’m pretty sure that these perp’s are savvy enough to either leave their phones at home or at least turn it off when pulling a job like this.

  8. That second para after the insert from the referenced article on Vox says almost all. There are other cultural factors at work here also. The decimation of two parent black families started by LBJ’s
    Great Society which resulted in easy access to generational welfare and AFDC payments for single mothers.

    Then there’s the recent laxity in enforcing theft laws in Demonrat strongholds fostered by Soros backed DA’s, the Defund the Police movement and these same Soros backed DA’s charging victims that defend themselves or their property with deadly or lessor force.

    Remember that guy in NYC who was being robbed and stabbed who turned the knife on the perp and killed him, then was charged with murder by the DA, who only withdrew the charges after furious public outcry. That DA should have been charged with dereliction of duty and DISBARRED. But he wasn’t.

    Early U.S. settlers had the right idea, carried over from England. Short trial followed by immediate execution of sentence by public hanging. That kind of action in the community sends a very strong message, not to mention cleansing the gene pool, as Vox says.

    It was the woke hippies of the 60’s and 70’s who were mortified by capital punishment, decrying The State as equally guilty of murder as the actual murderers, rapists and thieves. Now we clearly see what they’ve spawned.

    One other thing that caused the outcry against Capitol punishment was prosecutors and police withholding exculpatory evidence, all in the sake of closing the case and getting convictions. Then there’s the rise of of Prosecutorial Discretion and Sovereign Immunity. If every one of those individuals who shield themselves with PD and SI were subject to Capitol Punishment for such egregious behavior, it would end over night.

    Prosecutorial Discretion and Sovereign Immunity are not valid principles of Justice, IMHO. In fact, Members of the Court(police, prosecutors, judges and elected representatives at local, state and federal levels) should be held to the same and higher standards as average citizens and criminals. That lack of punishment is how you get the Derek Chauvins, the Bribem crime family and DA’s like Alvin Bragg of this society, who in turn foster the kind of behavior referenced in this article in the general population because there’s no deterrent to criminal behavior in the form of You Bet Your Life.

    • The lack of punishment is because we have handed our responsibilities to the government, and they cannot act.
      I don’t need to explain the way out of this mess.

  9. Let it fall down, let it fall down, let it all fall down. – H/T to James Taylor. They are reaping the whirlwind. This is why CA is hemorrhaging working, tax-paying citizens. When I worked as a Peace Officer in SoCal, the South-Central LA Amish would routinely try to pillage the malls in OC. We stopped them. Cold. But in those days, there were no iPhones, videos, etc. We were not breaking the law or making the law. We WERE the law. And the communities were protected. Thieves were punished. Nun, Amerika ist verloren. Schade! Bleib ubrig.

  10. The comments about swift and sure punishment are just as applicable to the rearing of children, and we can be sure that these sewer rats were raised in a permissive environment, with no discipline. This is a far greater influence than failings of the criminal “justice” system, IMHO.

    I also recall reading somewhere, years back, that criminal punishment tends to have little deterrent effect. Some of that might be psycho-babble. But in a similar vein – maybe same study – one of the best indicators of low crime rates is homogenity of a population. Yeah, CederQ, I hope my memory is good here too. Also, some stuff is out there talking about population density being a correlate.

    Nemo has good points regarding the dispensation of justice. It wasn’t just a hippie abhorrence for capital punishment though. Any of use can easily dig up stories about errant executions. However, it is also true that the concept of what consitutes cruel and unusual punishment has evolved significantly since Colonial times, and the arguments of progressives (rather than hippies) and academics about capital punishment are an extension of the overall trend.

    Blackstone wrote “Better that ten guilty persons escape, than that one innocent suffer”, and this is accepted as a generally accepted principal of US jurisprudence (wow, did I just write that?), going back to the Founding. It’s a reactionary sentiment to English and European concepts of “guilty until proven innocent”. And I suppose this provides some motivation for the prosecutorial misconducts.

    Geeze, I hope I don’t come across sounding like Aesop.

    I’m quite distrustful of government types, particularly LEOs. And so while I get the impulse towards genetic weeding via corporal or capital punishment, I find it difficult to name any agency to which I’d assign such a responsibility.

    I recall reading Vox a bit many years ago, and deciding I didn’t need to do it any more. Curtis Yarvin is at least interesting often enough, whether you agree with him or not.

  11. We’re in that painful moment where the cops won’t come for one kind of crime, but are sure to show for any retaliation.

    But we’re surely approaching a moment where the cops don’t come at all.

    When that day happens, the crime fucking stops.

    I have centuries of history to back my assertion.

    Vigilance groups work in their brutal and often unfair way.

  12. Sadly, the death penalty is unlikely to ever get widely used again, at least in the foreseeable future .

    But – another old fashioned punishment needs to be revitalized – transportation .

    Miscreants get sent back to Mother Africa ( sans passport and US citizenship ) , and let Africans be Africans .

    Of course, for this to be truly effective requires actual border security as well .

  13. East coast isn’t immune from this either – Balto, Philly, NYC, Boston, Richmond, Atlanta, Charlotte, ect.

    Heck, even inland blue cities are getting close to collapse and swirl down the drain – Pittsburgh, Cleveland, Chicago, St. Louis, Nashville, and on and on.

    They decry the police and the keepers of civilization, have fantastic ideas for ‘modern stewardship’, then cry puppydog tears when all the police, firemen, paramedics, ect leave, due to lousy stewardship, lack of leadership, and the collapse of funding for other lofty goals.

    I live near Balto, and its a travesty the nighmare unfolding. The Boy-Wonder mayor has no clue, but speaks from youth, hubris, and idiotry, yet forges forward with his merde-touch, thinking its gold. Same for our elected Governor – far more interested than TV show visits, out-of-state appearances, and his future aspirations, but mute beyond glib canned soundbites.

    I called into one of our local talkshows, how we could stop the violence on the street, which BPD seems incapable of making a dent. My comments didn’t go over too well – declare curfew sundown to sunrise except for exempt essential workers, arm neighborhood militias to police and maintain their neighborhoods (they know them far better than the police), and severe punishments (‘summary execution’ IIRC) for capital crimes.

    Criminals (along with those with power, authority, and means) fear no retribution – they understand they are immune from all rebuttals\actions and go off merrily for further machinations. We need a return to when criminals and those whom abuse civility\common good to fear, think on their actions, and realize there is an effect for their ’causes’

    Heinlein wrote on this – and, it needs considered.

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