From The Outside Looking In

A viewpoint from someone who doesn’t live in the U.S. but sees very clearly what is going on.

Pretty much nailed it.

He is also right about us needing to pray more but I don’t trust the churches anymore either.

12 thoughts on “From The Outside Looking In

  1. Yup he nailed it.
    Who said you have to frequent a church pew to pray?  Being an old Protester, I approach God wherever I am, whenever I feel the need.

  2. While this guy has some good observations on American and their .gov, he really should be focusing his own Aus .gov. The Aus .gov is just, if not more so, divorced from their people as the US .gov is.

    • He sounds South African. Besides, it doesn’t matter where he comes from, the message stays the same.

      • Yes, he IS from South Africa. And he also very, very right.
        From a fellow Jaapie.

    • While this is true, the FUSA is the nexxus from which all of the idiocy of Western “rules based order” eminates. If it could be knocked out, these other countries might stand a chance of recovering some sanity. As long as FUSA and it’s bastard govt exist in its present form, the rest of these vassals will go on kissing the ring.

  3. Of course they would love Russia to pop things off. They think that our attention would turn from how our own government is shoving it right up our asses and aim our anger at a country that we instigated into war.
    They don’t understand…war would weaken our own government and make them far more vulnerable to corrections from the inside.

  4. The church isn’t a building or the name of the denomination on the sign out front. The church is you and your relationship witjh God through Jesus Christ.
    At the end of it all, there’s just you and God and He wants those who.believe in Him to humble themselves and pray and seek Hs face and He WILL heal your land.
    Bless you all, we are heading into deep and stormy waters.

  5. I believe with the conviction of Trump in NY the corrupt Judge will jail him on July 11th to try to keep him from being the Republican choice on the 14th at the Republican National Convention. This is all part of the Dem and UNIPARTY plan to keep Trump from the election in Nov 5th.
    I am sure that this will not work as Trump will still be the Republican choice. If the next act is that they try to assassinate Trump in Jail or when he is out that will set off CW2. It is clear that this conviction was made by a biased Judge and was planned as he keeps being picked for several cases that should not come to him.

  6. What is being done is deliberate and evil. I ask myself every day what can I do? I’m rural, and I don’t know any folks of power. Right now what we the people want does not matter. All the issues he discusses are obviously bad for the historical middle class and anyone trying to join the middle class. Our government is working against us, the states are not significantly opposing the federal govt. Voting is compromised. I used to do data analytics, I believe, based on my analysis, 65% of people voted for Trump in 2020. Our govt. is not of,by or for the people.

    What would Jesus do, that in many ways is the point of prayer, to move closer to God. He showed us under the tyrannical Roman Govt, take care of your neighbors and the needy. Treat people with compassion and try and help them on their road to salvation. Why are Christians being persecuted? Because evil is like cockroaches, they don’t like the light. Notice that stating a behavior is wrong and encouraging people to be better is somehow bad. We are all sinners, the point of church is for us to support one another against the physical and spiritual challenges we face. All of these are more complex than these brief statements.

    So how many people are waking up? Is that part of Trump’s plan? Does he have a plan? I believe he will be jailed. The Adversary, for lack of a better name, wants riots by those oh so evil conservatives. They want the excuse to crack down. I think we’re damned if we do and damned if we don’t at this point.

    I saw a cute 3 or 4 year old girl in the store the other day, her parents weren’t speaking English. She and all those like her, true innocents, are going to suffer in what is coming. That’s what evil loves the most. We are going to have to fight for our country and our faith or let evil steamroll us. How we do it and how we treat the stupid who flooded across our borders is important. (At least 95% of those coming across our border are the stupid, disgusting agents of the Adversary. Some may be actual govt agents of China or wherever, but most of these are run-of-the-mill sociopaths who provide good justification for capital punishment. They will clearly run amock at the first good opportunity)

    One way to recognize evil is it knows no limits. Understanding yours is important.

  7. Well it just isn’t America.

    Europe is run by the same people as the US is. Up here in Canada, everything you’ve heard about Turdo La Doo is true.

    And hell’s bells – “we all gotta do MOAR praying!!!!” FFS – this is how we all got here! God isn’t doing this to us – grifters, thieves, perverts, and morons are. If you want extra credit, do the homework, follow the money and see who the people are that are driving this. Hint – you are forbidden by law to criticize them.

    Way I figure, we all need to get OFF our damned knees, and deal with the people driving this.

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