11 thoughts on “From Tactical Hermit… Non-White Aliens Cannot become AmericansFrom Tactical Hermit…

  1. I have no qualms of giving the immigrants the blessings of Liberty to all those that come, just not those who insist on breaking the law and storming the gates.
    I won’t belabor the point.

  2. If we didn’t offer them free “everything”, they wouldn’t storm the border. We’d be dealing with people that wanted to be hard working and assimilate.

  3. Look at the “I” in “white” then look directly up to the word “ it”

    Different type face.
    Most likely a hoax.
    Your pal

    • It’s real, look up the “Naturalization Act of 1790”. In Canada the immigration laws used to apply only to those “arriving from overseas”, US citizens could cross the border freely since our two populations were so similar.

    • That is because the ‘i’ in it is italicized. Try an apple to apple with the ‘i’s’ in jurisdiction. smh

  4. Learn who the Kenites are. They’re the real enemy. Fake “jews” who have never been nor ever will be of the true tribe of Judah. They are enemies of all White peoples and Christians. They are sons and daughters of Cain through the sexual union between Satan and Eve in the garden of Eden. I know this may sound off the wall to some but it is true. GOD allows them to remain on earth to fulfill the negative aspects of HIS overall plan. We are not to harm them except in self defense but allow them to do their work which is setting up the world for the arrival of Antichrist. Always remember that Satan himself shows up pretending to be the true JESUS CHRIST at the 6th seal, 6th trump and 6th vial- hence 666. JESUS does not RETURN until 777. Look it up and educate yourselves. Its gonna get a lot worse.

  5. I used to enjoy looking at the Thunderbox.
    After Glen shut it down and went exclusively to Gab, I was compelled to follow him there. That place will educate you.
    Now, I hate everybody.

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