34 thoughts on “From Tactical Hermit, A Warning.

  1. While it is far too soon to have any reasonable clues to facts on the ground, there is far too much in the “story” thus far that stinks of a false flag, or MKUltra windup toy triggered. BCE and Arthur both have comment threads up that I find helpful.
    As for feddies cracking down, there will be a number of unfortunate “incidents” from the 3am SWAT raids with casualties on both sides until such festivities back off.

  2. well, we kind of knew it was coming. just like you really think we going to have a free and fair ‘election” next year ? no. those days are gone.
    as to the coming raids. just look at the J6 people. if they knew or even thought
    it was going to be like it was, do you think they would have just held their hands up like they did ? one thing, the feds can and will outnumber you when they come
    so, plan on it. and they will have local help as well. maybe. depends on your locals

  3. Turns out he didn’t start hearing the voices UNTIL he was provided the hearing aids from the VA for his service-related hearing damage. Hmmmmmmmm,…let’s see,…yet again another shooter being treated in a government funded program, exhibiting mental instability who acts out with impeccable timing right when the enemies of freedom need it. You don’t suppose it is technically possible that some truly evil Hollywood type villain could, in an alternate universe, SEND messages remotely into someone’s hearing aids, eh? I mean,…suppose you were tired of all your drone mental patients you send out to cause mayhem never really doing so effectively because they are not competent combat shooters, so you need to come up with a way to find an actually deadly trained person and make them go crazy. How might you do that?

    • Hearing aids are akin to wireless “ear buds” that people use to listen to music from their smart phones. Those “ear buds” are effectively radio receivers. The “ear buds” use a different transmission frequency than the regular radio spectrum. It would not be a big stretch to make a radio receiver fit into a hearing aid sized device given the technological miniaturization capabilities of today. WTH, they do it in the movies.

      Us old coots will remember Dick Tracy’s wrist radio from 50’s-60’s comic strips. It has come to pass in Apple’s “smart watch”, although the “smart watch” is not a true two way radio as depicted in the comic strip, but it could be.

      If science fiction writers can dream it, technology will eventually make it happen.

      How many sci-fi movies last century had a killer virus as a plot ?

      I’m just waiting for the virus that turns people into slavering zombies. Should be any day now.

      • The virus that turns people into slavering zombies is called the TV.
        We’ve known about this for years, yet our warnings are in vain.

  4. They still don’t get it. Prosecuting/raiding/killing innocent Americans because of their politics usually eventually backfires.
    There are over 100 million “official” gun owners in the country (“unofficial” ?).
    There are less then 20K special agents in the atf/fbi combined.
    Place yer bets…

  5. I’ve got a toothache so if I extract your tooth, it’ll get better.
    Perhaps if they start teaching logic in kindergarten rather than porno

  6. ” the feds can and will outnumber you when they come”

    True, for the first 3 or 4 raids in the first evening.

    Then, when we know what’s coming, things will get Very Sporty.

    DO you have a range card for all the garden ornaments in your yard filled with tannerite? I do.

    Just sayin’ Easy to sneak up on people but the stack gets shorter each time they encounter someone who will fight back.
    Which will they run out of first? Feds or people to try and arrest?

        • well, if I knew they where coming for me. I would make up a couple of Fougasse weapons/mines to greet them
          with. body armor is great stuff, but it does burn and melt. and the feds KNOW that. and they not all that hard to make either. a good size pipe. capped at one end. a kicker charge to force it out of said pipe.
          a doubled bagged fuel charge mix. and one of those
          electric matches they use for fireworks .
          the kicker charge could be black power or something like it. about 1/4-1/2 cup should be plenty
          to force it out say, 20-25 feet easy.
          you could even use old metal coffee cans buried in the ground too. I think that might be better than tannerite and nails myself. just saying, of course !

          • The cabin scene in Angel Has Fallen, the Ops boys didn’t think Bannon’s dad was prepared.

  7. They’ve needed a distraction from Bribem’s corruption, his bad economy, the open border, inflation and recently the potential of a large war in the ME and the accelerating stock market melt down.

    Right on queue, they give us a mass murder so they can beat the drum for gun confiscation. Almost perfect timing.

    Two words: Molon Labe.

  8. This does not pass the smell test. On the pictures and videos I do not see a bandoleer or magazine pouch. He was supposed to be a weapons instructor but had an AR setup for distance shooting. It had a scope and not a red dot. It was also an 18″ barrel instead of a shorter carbine barrel and there was a flashlight on it. As prior military he would have also been wearing a vest just for easy access to magazines.

    • and how did he drive across town right past the police station after the first shooting undetected?

  9. shows what one guy can do with guts and a little thought. now multiply by x million fed up folks w/ nothin left to lose.

    • you mean like that ex cop on the left coast ? Dorner ?or something.
      and he wasn’t even trained for fun and games like some guys where. remember how long it took the feds to get that one guy who blew up a few clinics ? he was ex 101st too. they used to teach a very good E&E course there too. I learned a lot while I was with them. that was a long time ago though.

  10. Seems the time to separate the men from the boys might be nigh….or at least separate the people who actually ‘walk the walk’ from the people who just talk.

      • I could ask the same question of you. Then we could sit here and anonymously compare dick sizes on the internet like all the cool kids do…but the truth is, we aren’t REALLY gonna know ’till the shit hits the fan. By then, it ain’t gonna matter much.

        • And I am glad you saw what I meant.

          Also glad you are as much a realist about yourself as I am about as myself.

          As you say, we shall see

  11. No one gets out of Life alive. And opposing Evil in whatever form it presents itself is never wrong.

  12. Free advice for anyone really expecting a visit from the ATF: go down to your local metal recycling place now, before your yard freezes. Buy yourself some rusty steel reinforcing rod, 3/8” or 1/2” or whatever, doesn’t matter how skanky it is.
    While there, ask to use their chop wheel to trim it into 2-foot lengths, a few of 6” lengths also. The next step is easier if you’ve had some soaking rain recently, but whatever, just use a 2-pound Horrible Fright hammer to pound those lengths of reo-rod into the soil, as parallel to the surface as you can comfortably get. Just use another of said rods to chase the first one so that you can get get it down a couple of feet, to make it worthwhile. Surely it’s your business if you want to enrich your soil with iron? Maybe you want to grow your own steel, who can say.
    If you have any nosy neighbours, let them see you digging in your yard at night. Hell, if you feel like it, actually do some landscaping while you’re at it! Just don’t put in any plants that you mind being dug out later.
    If you feel like going so far into your own little psy-op against the alphabet gangs, maybe you and your shooting buddies can allow yourselves to be seen ‘digging’ a few one-yard long holes in vacant scrub land. Maybe even buy some 40” lengths of PVC pipe and end-caps, to “store maps in”.
    Unless the local ATF have their own ground-penetrating imaging gear (maybe they do?), the junior G-men are gonna work up some impressive blisters on their lily-white hands. It may be the only honest work that they do in their perverse lives.
    If you and your buddies put your minds to it, I’m sure that you will come up with a few useful past times for the winter months.
    Just don’t actually do anything illegal, why give the forces of tyranny want they want? Remember, if you get a felony conviction, you won’t even be able to hunt rabbits with a.22 again, with your son or hunting friends, or go to the range at the weekends. That’s how they hurt you, apart from legal defense costs. Follow Phil and CederQ for more entertainment ideas.

  13. Never do what the enemy wants. Not sure who the enemy is, it’s not the senile meat puppet in the white house, dude can barely function. The goal is to tear America apart by destroying the things that hold us together, mainly trust. People talk about conservatives, but the defining character of a conservative is trust. No matter how many times conservatives have been bent over the table we keep trusting the same liars, or at least hoping for once the system will function as designed and conserve our values.

    My rough analysis showed 65% of people voted for Trump. He won the first time because the Dems weren’t prepared for the level of cheating required. He won in 2020 too, Dems were ready. More Dems and normies waking up, which is why border is thrown open.

    In a Civil War about 94% of people sit on the side and let the other 2 sides duke it out. I’m hoping many LEO’s and military will be true to Real America. The more that refuse to cooperate with this shitshow the better. Many people who are not awake now are head in the sand type. Church’s here people are discussing this. Remember, a trapped man fights to the death. We need to welcome back into the fold any who wake up, including FBI and ATF (wouldn’t trust em, but no retaliation). Run the numbers mentioned above, the Fed will make public examples of some MAGA but they have to know they can’t take on 65% of the country. Their goal is to get us shooting indiscriminately at one another.

    Build trust, prepare for the worst (power outage) and loss of supply chain. Prepared people don’t need to be afraid. Be ready to teach the young men stoicism (Love the suck) and how to live life without an xbox. You old codgers ain’t going infantry, but you can teach things taught by your grand-fathers. That’s what they fear the most, America returning to her roots.

  14. From the mass shooter’s supposed manifesto on Discord:

    [11:23 PM] RobertCard: I can’t stand these damn non whites ruining our country. They don’t deserve to live.
    “Non whites”? That was written by an FBI agent too woke to use the word Nigger.

    [11:33 PM] RobertCard: “I’ve got my guns and plenty of ammo. Let’s make America great again by getting rid of these scum.”
    “Let’s make America great again….”. That was written by an FBI agent attempting to portray MAGA people as domestic terrorists.

    • If you’ve ever been to Lewiston it’s about as white as it’s possible to get. Somehow if you’re going to kill the non-whites (punctuation please) you probably need to pick a better location.

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