7 thoughts on “From Nod to the Gods.. a dire warning. Heed it!

  1. Bear with my rant for a minute as there is a point to it, or skip to the end.

    I was asked 2 years ago by another Vet if I thought Russia was still a threat. I answered China was my worry which clearly surprised my questioner, who became a lawyer, so he is not uneducated. Most people are not aware China is at war with us, but most are unaware we are at war with Russia. I’m not sure what is going on in the Middle East but I can’t bring myself to care. It’s another excuse for chaos and to give billions away to the same old kleptocrats. I’m not sure who is organizing the invasion from our south. Covid was a bioweapon developed in a lab. I wanted to believe the release was accidental until I watched the whole vaxx thing unfold (and masking, blocking gatherings at Church, etc.). Excess deaths are up then the CDC reset all their numbers, I quit following after that but I had to query CDC database, not the MSM to learn what was going on. When I tell family members of this I am the kook, yet the info is still there and still available. I am the kook for saying we are at war with Russia (we have provided arms, intelligence and money to her enemy and enacted economic sanctions against her)

    Who is at the center of all of this? I think China is taking advantage but is not at the center. To wake people up requires a coherent picture which we are not getting. I think many people know something or even somethings are wrong, but when nice people are taught it is racist or homophobic to notice certain things, let alone remark on them people shut up. And where is this coming from, who is to blame? One person, one group, more than one group? When you dream you are getting bitch slapped and then wake up getting slapped you are rather incoherent and confused. The question is given all the lies and confusion which has become the new normal, how do you lead people to the truth? Currently I am just the family nut. Waiting to say I told you so.

    • You’re right. Figuring out just who or which group or groups are working to destroy western civilization is hard to Know, but if I could make it so the bilderberger group, soros,wef,all the think tanks where the bureaucrats wearing different team jerseys but sporting the same collectivist mindset all come from, just make it so they can’t run anything, YaKnow,, jail would probably work,, incommunicado,,..
      The world might just show signs of healing after a year of none of those bastards stirring the pot.

  2. Russia, our “arch enemy”
    has been providing almost half of Western Europes energy for a couple of decades.
    You do not do business with people that threaten you.
    China, our other “arch enemy”, has been doing business with us for several decades. If they were a threat, then why do we buy so much from them?
    Who is really running this country? (and the Western World?)
    Who is the group of people in our hemisphere that advocate for these neverending wars that seem to always be with the same people we do business with?
    We are experiencing a new dawn in human civilisation, one that will benefit those countries that advocate and practice nationalism, not multiculturalism. This is evident with the increase in countries wanting to be a part of BRICS.
    The American/Western Civ notion that we can control the entire planet is now no longer possible.
    Time to wake up.

    • Good questions: Who are those people indeed? Who, who, who?

      If only we could name the Whos.

      But as it is, it’s a real head scratcher and I’ve gotta admit that I’m stumped.

  3. When the world leader gather in Davos and othe places they are not trading recipies. They are getting thier marching orders. Who sets up and runs the Davos type meetings?
    There is the beginning of the trail that leads to the answer.

  4. Starting about 10 minutes in, Glenn’s podcast 11-16 goes in to great detail based of what the State Department is reporting…or Not reporting. Anyone here aware of Alexander Dugin? Ever hear of Gog and Magog.? This is an amazing analysis of current events. Hint, If you aren’t familiar with podcasts, you can sign up to any number of sites…I use iHeart radio. You can change the playback speed to get through episodes faster.

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