
Four States Race To Stop ‘Great Taking’ of All Bank Accounts, Stocks, Bonds, Pensions Before Financial/Election Apocalypse

By Wayne Lusvardi

February 20, 2024

The good news is this “great taking” can be stopped at the state level. Americans don’t need to count on a divided Congress to get the job done. Because the UCC (Uniform Commercial Code) is state law, state lawmakers can take concrete steps to restore the property rights of their constituents and protect them in the event of a financial crisis – Ellen Brown, Diffusing the Derivatives Time Bomb: Some Proposed Solutions, Feb. 14, 2024.

Presently four relatively small states, South Dakota, Wyoming, Nebraska and Delaware, are trying to stop the burning fuse of a financial bomb that could cause a legally provided raid on all stock, bond and bank account investments from its residents, businesses, and pension funds in their jurisdictions. This financial bomb is to confiscate assets for losses on purely unrelated speculative gambling bets in the Derivatives Market, not from any genuine risk hedging (as insurance) to protect those financial resources. Kratter, Matthew R. Best Price: $2.49 Buy New $6.99 (as of 05:30 UTC – Details)

No known movement is underway to stop this crime-of-all-crimes mainly by the renegade New York Reserve bank which was one of the main instigators of the COVID Pandemic and lockdowns. For example, of the twelve regional Federal Reserve banks, the New York Fed is running a $71 billion loss ($71,190 x 1,000,000 = $71,190,000,000) or 75% of all the accrued losses for just 2024 in all 12 fed reserve banks.  And the New York, Richmond and Chicago Fed Banks reflect 96% of all 2024 only deficits, not accrued past deficits (see “How to Recapitalize the Federal Reserve”, Alex J. Pollock and Paul J. Kupiec, Law and Liberty, Feb. 1, 2024.

By comparison only the Atlanta Fed Reserve Bank is effectively solvent, indicating that the losses are near system wide, but do not necessarily need to be so.  The Atlanta Fed encompasses Georgia (R), Florida (R), Tennessee (R), Louisiana (R), and Alabama (R).  On February 12, 2024, an Arizona senate committee advanced a bill to create gold bullion depository bank for gold-backed transactional currency within the state following the lead of Texas in 2017.

This future kleptocratic event has been called “The Great Taking” by David Webb a former New York hedge fund manager and apparent absconder living in the Netherlands, in a documentary by the same name he produced. Suspicion is that this plausible world transforming event for takeover of the world’s assets is what the COVID-epidemic and lockdowns were aimed to get us to submit to without opposition by getting us to voluntarily trust in COVID injections as virtue signaling for the common good.

A hedge is when, say, a farmer buys an investment position (based on price differentials) in the financial market that would cover any losses he might incur from bad weather, or unpredictable dropping market prices, that could wipe out the future profitability of his crop. Conversely, a false hedge or bet, called an “difference contract”, is made in the same hedge fund market but purely for gain or to recover against gambling losses (see Michael William, The Ponzi Class: Ponzi Economics, Globalization and Class Oppression in the 21st Century, 2015).  Financial assets in all other states are also subject to confiscation likely to be prior to the upcoming national election.

Speculation is that a large distraction (an EMP attack that shuts down the power grid for, say, a month or more, etc.,) will necessitate the invoking of martial law and will be created to lockdown the public while their assets are being hijacked (there is no national grid but six regional grids and 26 subregional grids). But grid control systems can be hacked, and satellite links and phone telecommunications and internet access to bank accounts blacked out.  This rumor has been implanted in the public mind by the predictive programming from the Obama-produced movie “Leaving the World Behind” to mentally prepare us for such an event.  The big picture is this is financial warfare and a fascist takeover, not purely a financial crisis as in 2008 when the Fed Reserve Banks started to run in the red.

Such a scenario is likely to occur to suspend the 2024 national elections and assure the continuance of the ongoing Middle East and Ukrainian Proxy Wars against the world banking BRIC’s contenders to the London-New York banking syndicate. Such an event could likely be orchestrated by the CIA, Mossad and M15 British intelligence networks working with the World Economic Forum. This is not conspiracy theory, as the perpetrators have been announcing this since 2016 (“you will own nothing and be happy under socialized totalitarianism”). Dzenitis, Tami Brehse Best Price: $6.48 Buy New $10.08 (as of 09:32 UTC – Details)

But financial journalist Ellen Brown has alerted the public that bottom line the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC), which provides for such a confiscatory takeover of assets, is ratified on a state-by-state basis, curiously something former hedge-fund manager David Webb did not tell us in his documentary.  Brown has signaled that any ensuing apocalypse from this backstage financial war and takeover does not necessarily have to be an across-the-board acquiescence by all states.

If such an event take place, those states that acquiesce would effectively transition to socialist states while the scofflaws would retain their financial independence. Together with Texas, Wyoming, Nebraska, and perhaps Delaware, this could be the unannounced symbolic Mason-Dixon Line of this financial uncivil war.  Those resisting states would end up something like the split-off Eastern half of Roman Empire.  But nobody in the acquiescing states would have an opportunity to vote for or against this socially engineered political transition. It all would be cloaked under the Zeitgeist of Pandemic and a power grid attack and bank rescue.

George Orwell used the term Double-Speak in his novel 1984. An example is the current term “Negative Yield” of the Fed Reserve Banks,  which describes a nation involved in continuous warfare and insidious financial warfare by a parasitic Ponzi Class.  And, oh yes, there is a real life bank incorporated as “The First National Orwell Bank” in Orwell, Vermont, a state known as a bastion of socialism and denigration of freedom by its 94% white elitist population.

The Best of Wayne Lusvardi

Wayne Lusvardi resides in Arizona and writes on water, energy and health issues as well as a public utility valuation expert.

Copyright © Wayne Lusvardi

Previous article by Wayne Lusvardi: 300-Year Old Fraudulent Banking Pea Shell Game With No Pea Exposed

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18 thoughts on “From

  1. Hate to say it, but that’s so farfetched and unsubstantiated and totally strung together from nothing that even a total paranoid like myself cannot buy it.

    • I’ll betcha 20 years ago you poopooed MK Ultra and operation paperclip, and believed ragheads downed building 47.
      All three of those things are now established fact.

      Revelations today are becoming truths so fast it’s hard to keep up.

      • Some shit has logic and facts behind it…and reasonable data strung together with logic and substantiation.
        This has NONE of that.

        I realize that it fits you masturbatory fantasies, but it has no basis in fact.

        • Oh? Remember, the Feds seized all the US Citizen’s gold it could find. Or don’t you know about that?

          NOTHING is above what The Feds will do.

          DO try to keep up, okay?

          • Yup! All it took was 20 years to do it too. Fed Reserve created 1913, EO6102 signed in 1933 by FDR. 1933. 1933. “33.” IYKYK.

          • I’m likely more aware of history than you.

            And not the twisted history you seem to think is the truth, either. because it fits your paranoia…
            Actual, you verifiable history.

            At least I’m not swayed by a rambling, idiotic half thought out diatribe that is strung together without logic or intelligence. Was he high when he wrote that? Have you actually read it? Seriously?

            I think CederQ was under influence of his meds when he decided to re post this diatribe. He’s usually more selective.

            • Do not include me in your counter argument and presume I was under any influence. If you can’t counter your dissertation without slinging hash and some foresight and I didn’t say foreskin. This is not a dick measuring contest. One has to defend his point of view with calm, cool assertations. No masturbation fantasies are allowed on this blog…

            • B do you invest in stocks? If yes where do you keep your stock certificates? You don’t? Oh, numbers on a computer so you can trade them at will.

              What do you mean you can’t hold physical stock certificates?

              Ask your broker, otherwise leave them digitized with the clearinghouse not controlled by you.

              I laugh, I know one person in my adult life, he held his certicates. He was a smart man and pretty astute investor who grew up Cowboy and poor. It was a pain in the ass when he died.

        • B, don’t let your normalcy bias pull the wool over your eyes. This “legal” corruption is deeper than normies can imagine. The movie, The Matrix, was a clue to the depth of the illusion the clown world is.

          • Dude, that whole screed was as unhinged as a Kamala Harris statement and pretty much just as much of a word salad.

            There is no
            Normalcy Bias” here. He really doesn’t make any real conclusions, he just spouts bullshit with buzzwords.
            You claim that I have a “Normalcy Bias” but he’s pandering to those with a “Conspiracy Bias”.
            Believe what you want, follow who you want. But at least follow someone who can string a sentence together with clarity and make a point. All this is is buzzwords and gibberish. Kamala Harris does it better though.

  2. The hardest thing for people to do is to accept that what they have believed for a large portion of their life is actually a lie.
    We see this every day with people we know in the simplest things.
    But the truth always comes out in the end, and these days quicker, because we have the internet and the government hasn’t figured out how to stop the signal……yet.
    Keep your minds open and your mags full.

  3. The great taking is interesting but with the ever increasing inflation you and I are seeing with our every trip to the grocery store… What’s your point?

    We are very near to where the graph goes hockey stick upwards.

    Historically you can only juggle so many economic plates for so long before you “enjoy” Hyperinflation and the social chaos (making Antifa in Portland look like a Girl Scout Cookie sale) to wipe out the critical systems of your nation.

    As the meme about infinity X zero, carry the nothing = nothing comes to mind.

    They will “Steal” multi-trillion debt notations. Good luck PAYING your ENFORCERS with them when THEY cannot Feed their families…

  4. Trivial I know, but MI5 takes care of internal security and dissent ec., you are thinking of MI6, who are the James Bond spy types.

  5. The can have my fiat bucks I’m an alchemist now and run barter town.I turned my lead into gold

  6. This has at its Root a ‘law’ (regulation) created several Years ago, after the 2008 “Financial Crisis” where the Banks were ‘Bailed Out’ with Printed/Borrowed Tax Money from the Future. It established that “Deposits” (your money) are in fact LOANS to the Bank, that they are No Obligated to return “On Demand”. This is intended to allow banks to use “Deposits” as a Backstop to any Failures of their Speculation and Scamming.

    IF something like the author’s speculation takes place, it would be in context with some “Financial Crisis” where after a “Bank Holiday” your money would only be accessible in limited amounts, likely programmed to your regular Financial Situation, so you have access to just enough Cash to get Gas and Groceries, in hopes that you continue to “Work and Pay Taxes”, as opposed to actually getting off the Couch and taking Guns to the ‘Banks’ and politicians who did this. Normalcy Bias will keep most people ‘on the Couch’.

    As for an EMP Attack (or even ‘Hacking’ of the Grid, in that case, “Declaring Martial Law and Suspending Elections” will be completely Irrelevant; as things would go Full-On ‘Mad Max’ so fast the ‘government’ would would be Meaningless in about two Weeks.

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