Ottawa heroes in blue open up on protesters with rubber bullets and tear gas
Posted on February 19, 2022 | Leave a comment

The Ottawa Police on Saturday night started firing rubber bullets and tear gas on HUNDREDS of peaceful Freedom protesters in downtown Ottawa.
The Canadian protesters were shouting, “Freedom!” as the police fired rubber bullets and tear gas into the crowd.
The protesters then started chanting, “Shame on you!” following the brutal police assault.
The police department is being flooded with complaints on their violent attacks on peaceful protesters
Imagine the response if they were protesting a pipeline or ‘indigenous’ rights.
I say let’s give the boys in blue a real reason to “fear for their lives”. Once they’re out of the game, WE build back better, let THEM hope for change, and WE make America great again.
Looks like Turdeau is using UN troops against his own people…
The cops here don’t wanna try that. We won’t be lobbing rubber at them in return.
“The protesters then started chanting, “Shame on you!” following the brutal police assault.”
Oh, that should work well. For Fucks Sake. Maybe write a strongly worded letter next. I want to be supportive, but when the cunts start shooting at you for peacefully protesting, shoot the fuck back.
These “peaceful protests” are getting nowhere. There are better tactics to employ. And, yes, there are UN peacekeepers involved. Schwab is looking out for his investment and future. Does being invaded make you wanna change tactics ?
They also put out a press release claiming they used no gas. Mufugging commies.
Start hunting Ottawa cops and their families down and you will be heard. Right now you are just easy targets.
Note that the Green Weenies removed their badges AND name tags – they didn’t want to be identified.
Well, if you don’t want to be identified I guess you are invaders. Timed to take up arms!
Or, gasp! UN Troops… or chinese, but too big and what faces I saw looked slavic…
Basically what we hoped would not happen has happened.
There are not a few bad apples in law enforcement worldwide
They are all bad
They will all follow instructions and beat, maim, rob, harass, arrest and kill you.
They all care more about the paycheck and pension than anything else.
Sow the wind, reap the whirlwind kinda thing coming and it ain’t gonna be pretty.