20 thoughts on “From Chuck in Alabama.

    • It might have been worse with the pithy original theme I had written for it Chuck, something along the lines of this is what you normally wear to work kinda theme… I relented and went with simple, let’s not embarrass our good buddy Chuck.

      • I dunno Cederq, at least he looks warm, nice shoes too. He has a fire to cook his tea on, even though he doesn’t look too hungry. I’d say he isn’t too lonely either, probably has plenty to listen to inside his head.

        • Well, I could go back in and edit it with the original and by now I am sure I can come up with something far more sinister and evil.

          • As long as everybody is laughing at me, they’re leaving some other poor bastard alone. Go for it !! 😉

            • Chuck, I was directing that at your friend in the helmet. Gee, I thought Southerners were more reserved in dress, you blokes obviously have ‘interesting’ barbecue parties!

  1. Dammit Cederq, not enough eye bleach for that. The shoes do go with the outfit though.

    • Well, you have been gone awhile, things change Mr Jeffery. Phil decided he wanted a gay biker feel to the blog. The world is turning to shit and depravity, might as well enjoy it while it lasts…

      • LOL! I suppose so. I’ll be in and out for a while longer, but will stop by and comment or post to TFI when I get the opportunity. You fellars just keep playing these naked men games and sooner or later we will have come full circle and get back to hot wimmins, politics and body functions (you know just like a bunch of guys hanging around a campfire or BBQ grill). In all seriousness all do a great job of entertaining or I and many others would not waste our time visiting these crazy blogger friends.
        Goodnight Irene

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