From Area Ocho, this is a big deal… Do you comply? Fuck NO!


ALERT: Universal BG Check EO Coming

From the GOA and from Breitbart news: President Biden is set to announce a new rule going into effect. Universal background checks will be going into effect for ALL firearms transactions. Any firearm that changes hands will soon require a background check, per a soon to be issued executive order from Biden.

How can Biden do this? A unique reading of changes made to 18 USC 921 that were made by the “Bipartisan Safer Communities Act” when Biden signed it into law on June 25, 2022. Yes, the word “bipartisan” is actually in the law’s title. The Republicans sold gun owners down the river. The law’s sponsors were none other than Florida’s Marco Rubio and Rick Scott.

Here is what the law did:

Section 12002 of the BCSA amends a subparagraph of the GCA definition of “engaged in the business” as it pertains to federally licensed firearms dealers, by striking the language “with the principal objective of livelihood and profit,” and replacing it with “to predominantly earn a profit.” As amended, the definition at
18 U.S.C. §921(a)(21)(C) reads as follows:
[“Engaged in the business,”] as applied to a dealer in firearms, as defined in section 921(a)(11)(A), [means] a person who devotes time, attention, and labor to dealing in firearms as a regular course of trade or business to predominantly earn a profit with the principal objective of livelihood and profit through the repetitive purchase and resale of firearms, but such term shall not include a person who makes occasional sales, exchanges, or purchases of firearms for the enhancement of a personal collection or for a hobby, or who sells all or part of his collection of firearms.(text that was added is in bold, text eliminated is struck through)

By choosing to interpret it in a way that is most restrictive, this EO will direct the ATF to consider anyone who sells a firearm for more than they bought it for as being an unlicensed dealer. In one fell swoop, they have virtually eliminated all private sales. This also explains why the ATF has such a hard on for kitchen table dealers as of late. Read the entire thing here. (pdf warning)

An article released by the New York Times today is reporting that, “The regulations required to put the new law into effect — expected to be released soon — would require anyone who earns a profit from selling firearms to obtain a federal license and conduct background checks. Previously, dealers were required to join the federal system only if they derived their chief livelihood from selling weapons. Failing to register carries a penalty of up to five years in prison and $250,000 in fines.”

This is huge. In one fell swoop, the Biden administration has enacted the most sweeping change to gun control law in decades. The rules will be backed up by a renewed push to prosecute businesses that refuse to register by accessing bank records, storage unit leases, and other expenses associated with running an off-the-books gun business.

Make no mistake- if this is in fact the case, we are looking at a national firearms registry, and the only real purpose for registration is confiscation. It’s plain that the left is looking to completely circumvent Congress and will simply use executive orders and the administrative rule making process to create whatever laws and regulations that they wish, and in this case they were helped out with the help of Republican Senators.

I have said it plenty of times before- Just because the Democrats are your enemy doesn’t make Republicans your friend. Again and again, we see that Republicans only SAY that they are pro Second Amendment during election time, but then sell us down the river once they get our votes. Now they have figured out that the way to stay in power is to do what you are told. All Republicans care about is staying in power, and the writing is on the wall- play music to the tune dictated by the Left, or they will make sure you are gone. So Republicans are selling us out.

Things are going to get a lot worse before they get even worse. The year 2024 is going to be a cast iron bitch.

18 thoughts on “From Area Ocho, this is a big deal… Do you comply? Fuck NO!

  1. I still think they trying to start something to give them a reason to impose martial law over us. the thing is they can outnumber us one by one.
    and as I said before, if the feds come for you, you life as you knew it is over.
    the problem for us is they can do that whenever they want too.
    they do not want another standoff like what happen at the Bundy ranch again.
    plan on it. and after the bullshit election of 2020, do you really think we are going to vote our way back to the rule of law ?
    remember how many E.O. the bastard signed after he got in office ?
    as bozo used to say, “I got a phone and a pen”
    funny I thought only congress could make laws too.

  2. If you are a fan of small government the Republican party has always been the big government party. Study the War of Northern Aggression, there were movements to Succeed by the South in the 1820’s and I think 1840’s. It is the Uniparty and the Republicans have been the more successful liars. Dem’s have been the stalking horse. Repubs have been turning up the burner on the frog and using the Dems to point out “Those guys would turn it up faster, we’re the heros for holding the line.” You COBs (Crusty Old Bast..s) think about the changes over your life think about the changes you’ve seen.

    PS Lincoln’s war marked the official start of the Empire of the US, when you use force to keep people under your thumb you just became an empire. I’m betting the IRS, FBI or ATF have a Death Star tucked away.

  3. How those changes to the law can be interpreted as requiring “universal background checks” is beyond me. As usual, the Demonrats are grasping at straws. Their “rule” will be struck down just like the pistol brace rule was recently.

    This is what happens when an entire government freely operates outside the law, but persecutes its citizens.

    • “If you own and then sell a gun, then you are a firearms dealer and must do background checks.”

      “Unless you have a storefront, you can’t have a Federal Firearms License.”

      • I think that’s all it is, a bureaucratic Catch-22 to make it easier to eliminate the small, ‘independent’ Dealers (already Licensed) and Prohibit more of the same. Also, this opens the door to Entrapment of anyone who sells a Gun to someone they don’t Know – Advertising a Gun for sale on the Internet, or walking around at a Gun Show with a ‘for sale’ sign on your Gun becomes “Criminal”.
        In the end, the number of Arrests they can make in this manner will be Minuscule, and all it will get them is Increasing Resentment and Disrespect of ‘government’ in general. Then, when they try a ‘Waco’ or ‘Bundy Ranch’ type of Incident, it will Blow Up in their Faces.

  4. the schmucks in congress never read or create the bills. they are put together by their staff schmucks in conjunction with the schmucks in the media to put the right spin on it. once done, they get the ok from the staff and presto, its a law.

    • Just sitting over here waiting.

      “The most terrifying force of death comes from the hands of Men who wanted to be left Alone. They try, so very hard, to mind their own business and provide for themselves and those they love. They resist every impulse to fight back, knowing the forced and permanent change of life that will come from it. They know that the moment they fight back, their lives as they have lived them, are over. The moment the Men who wanted to be left alone are forced to fight back, it is a form of suicide. They are literally killing off who they used to be. Which is why, when forced to take up violence, these Men who wanted to be left alone, fight with unholy vengeance against those who murdered their former lives. They fight with raw hate, and a drive that cannot be fathomed by those who are merely play-acting at politics and terror. TRUE TERROR will arrive at these people’s door, and they will cry, scream, and beg for mercy… but it will fall upon the deaf ears of the Men who just wanted to be left alone.”

  5. This is a very good way to drive otherwise law abiding Citizens into the black-marketing of firearms. No “registration” required.

    • Black-marketing of just about everything else, why stop at firearms? Especially with the franken foods coming on line and being denied basic services?

      Who runs Barter Town?

      • well, if push comes to shove. “tube” guns are the easiest to make with machine tools. hardest part is making magazines.
        Sten guns come to mind, but the magazine is not one of the best designs for use. far better to use a Uzi magazine or
        a colt 9mm magazine, which is based on the Uzi magazine
        C-products defense magazines work very well in my 9mm ar
        platform. as for food/meat a lot of what is for sale around here is local grown/raised beef/chicken so no worries there.
        as I have said before, ammo is always the weak link.
        get reloading gear and powder and primers to store.
        primers can be reloaded as well. just a lot of work to do it.
        ammo does keep very well too if you store it right.
        I am still working my way thru a bunch of 7.62 ammo bought back in the early 1990’s and it was made in the 1960’s and stored in 200 round “battle packs”.
        works just fine and not a problem yet.

  6. Don’t fucking care what the common criminals masquerading as our representative government decree. Haven’t for a long time and that contempt and indifference will continue, indefinitely. I advise you to adopt a similar philosophy.

  7. Nobody gets to say anything about what I do or say, or what I own or sell.
    The very nerve of some people to ASSume they do. fuk em ded

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