From Area Ocho, listen to this and take heart. Post: Now They Tell Us.

These people need to go down…

16 thoughts on “From Area Ocho, listen to this and take heart. Post: Now They Tell Us.

    • aye. they need to fell the rope around their necks.
      sad to say, I don’t really think that will happen though.

  1. One more reason to kick my Uber liberal brother- in – law in the nuts with steel toed boots!

  2. Follow the science.
    Listen to the health professionals.
    Doing your own research is dangerous.
    Ivermectin is horse dewormer.
    That’s what the “really smart people”, most of whom suck on the public teat for a living, said. And what they said was amplified hundreds of times a day by every source of the mainstream media.

    Meanwhile there it was, in a cabinet at Tractor Supply Company. With a sheet on the cabinet warning about the human use of a medicine that was created for human use some fifty years ago, which when taken properly has never caused a single adverse effect in human beings. And it was only $2 per dose. Effective both as a preventative and a cure that also lessened the severity of the illness for those that had already gotten the bug.

    I’m not a doctor or a virologist or an immunologist. And I don’t want to be one. I don’t even want to play one on TV. I’d rather play with my cows, who first taught me about Ivermectin. Thanks, cows.

    Take your Vitamin C, Vitamin D and Zinc and call me in the morning.
    This advice is worth more than what you paid for it.

  3. Well whataya know, they lied AGAIN and nothing will happen.

    Meanwhile the exec’s at Pfizer and Moderna and all of the pol’s that were in on the scam got mega rich while over a million Americans died because an effective $2.00 treatment was banned. Then there’s the ongoing excess deaths from the jab. Young healthy people are dropping dead EVERY EFFING DAY from damage caused by the experimental technology used to develop “the cure” for a biological weapon developed with approval and funding by OUR OWN GOVERNMENT after such development was BANNED by Act of CONgress.

    Then there’s Fraudci, one of the architects of this crime, walking around free with a golden parachute pension which earns him more money per year IN RETIREMENT, than the President of United States earns WHILE IN OFFICE.

    But ya know, if guys like us talk about making these people pay with their lives because their perfidy is/was in effect murder, we’re labeled as conspiracy theorists and insurrectionists and need to be jailed because we were right all along.

    • Pfizer employees received a placebo injection, probably saline.
      They knew all along about the adverse effects because it killed most of the subjects of the animal studies.
      We need trials, incarcerations and public executions.

    • You want to read something that’ll really frost your ass that’s come out as part of a lawsuit against the FDA?

      So the FDA’s is contending that the FDA has sovereign immunity and can’t be held accountable for maligning Ivermectin and instructing Dr’s not to prescribe it, then smearing and causing Dr’s that DID prescribe it to LOSE THEIR MEDICAL LICENCE.

      This trial is why the sudden turn about in the FDA’s position on Ivermectin. (that’s my take)

      • Wow.
        That would be a great article to have someone who has total faith in government read. Which unfortunately is a plurality of the American people.

        I notice that article is hot off the presses. As in today. Thanks for that.

      • The two teired justice system used to be in the shadows. It’s always been there, they just had enough courtesy to keep it hidden.
        Now it’s right in our face and they don’t care. They can tie up a class action lawsuit in litigation until the public forgets about it.
        I wonder what the next phase will be.

  4. It’s misleading to say they’ve “endorsed” treatment with ivermectin. You know the old saying, a leopard can’t change its spots? The screeching harpy at Fox says, “We’ve just learned…” Yeah? How about a source. She’s more difficult to listen to than Sean Hannity, that bloviating asswipe. Where’s the hard evidence?

  5. Early on to the COVID scare I found a bunch of doctors on the internet talking about how to cure COVID via HQC+Ivermectin+Zinc if you got it. HQC and Ivermectin were in use for decades for people and were low cost. These doctors were banned within a week from the internet.

    I then looked at vaccines and what does it take to make and properly test a vaccine. I found that it normally should take 5 years to make and test a vaccine so anything under that I could not trust. So when the government, media, Big Pharma, Big Med, and companies pushed the COVID vaccines I said no way. My company was pushing me but I said to them you are going against HIPPA and they backed down. They moved us to remote operations. My wife also did not take the vaccine and one of my sons said no. My oldest son said yes to take the vaccine.

  6. They had to ban it (and HCQ) for use in Covid prevention and cure so they could suck Billions out of us via the Emergency Use Authorization for the Vaccines. It was always about the Money and Power. Couldn’t get the EUA if there was a viable alternative to curing the disease. That tells you everything you need to know.
    I think that the only way that true Justice will be served is if the Mechanics who service their cars and planes leave a few screws/bolts a bit loose and let nature take it’s course… our Justice system is absolute corrupted crap.

  7. The SARS‑CoV‑2 virus that causes COVID-19 was intentionally released worldwide by the CCP in cahoots with the WHO, WEF, CDC, NIAID, and the rest of the globalist elitist scum.

    Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine could have easily and cheaply stopped the disease in its tracks and very, very few people would have died, and they ALL FUCKING KNEW IT!

    The media and the medical establishment aided and abetted this MASS MURDER!

    They need to be dragged into the streets by their lips and executed!

    We are being culled.

  8. Even before the Coronascam began, my Vet had said that 95% of the stuff he prescribes for Horses is People-Compatible. All of them are the Exact Same Products, with the same “NDC Number” (FDA Registration) as you would buy at a Drug Store. I stocked up on the Ivermectin, HCQ, and Azithromycin as soon as (((Fauci))) and the (((media))) began screeching about how those Drugs were “Ineffective and Dangerous”. I used the Prescription (Dosages) posted by a French Doctor, early on in the Biowarfare Incident, when I caught it. Added a temporary ‘Overdose’ of Vitamin C, and was Cured in a couple of Days, felt fine after a Week.

    The next thing you will hear these Nuremberg Criminals spewing is the “Nobody Forced You to Take the (not-a) Vaccine!!”

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