From Area Ocho, Divemedic.


First Domino?

Now that the Colorado Supreme Court has disqualified Trump from holding any public office, will this be the first domino? Are we seeing the first steps towards the 2024 cheat? Is this the next step in an American dictatorship?

Here is the tracker. This is important. Colorado is out of play for Trump, meaning that even if he DOES get the Republican nomination, he has just lost 10 electoral votes. Now Biden doesn’t have to cheat or even run for office in that state. He is the default winner. Watch this closely. If only ten states disqualify Trump, there is no point in even having the election. It’s a done deal.

The Republicans have no balls. If they did, Colorado delegates would not be seated at the convention.

It’s a good thing that the Democrats saved our Democracy, eh?

Shit is gettin’ getting real bros and babes… Time for some reflection and temperance then unleash Holy Hell upon the cowards and commies. I say nuke them from orbit, or at least high altitude.

24 thoughts on “From Area Ocho, Divemedic.

  1. I do not see that standing in the Federal Courts. Trump has not been convicted, making the CO black robed hacks worse than wrong.

    • In Lawfare all you have to do is keep the case ongoing from Dem selected Judge to Judge until the Election is FINISHED.

      Then it matters not if Trump is electable in CO.

      People need to stop thinking how the IRA kept lawfare and occupying troops discomforted and on wild goose chases.

      Jumping at the sharp end of the spear is poor tactics.

    • Sadly, no conviction is needed. It’s just one of the factors that can prevent someone from serving, like being under 35 or not being a natural born citizen.
      It will be a tough call for SCOTUS given the majority professes a belief in states rights.

          • The Leftists are claiming a violation of the 14th Amendment, specifically Section 3 which states “No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability.”

            This is my prognostication of SCOTUS’s ruling on the matter. “Live by the sword, die by the sword.”

            In the USA we are innocent until proven guilty. Since Trump has only been indicted, not proven guilty, the State of Colorado will be found to have no standing in the matter.

            Oh, “doesn’t have any standing.” That’s going to burn and burn badly given the number of cases thrown out over the vote fraud in 2020 for “lack of standing” by those who brought the cases. I can taste the sweet irony already!

            • Where in 14th Amendment does it say a conviction or even an indictment is necessary? It’s just a prerequisite.

              A candidate doesn’t have to be indicted or convicted of being under 35 to be kept off the ballot.

              A candidate doesn’t have to be indicted or convicted of not being a natural born citizen to be kept off the ballot.

              I’m not saying a conviction shouldn’t be required, but it’s not required as currently written.

  2. The old fix-a-roonie is alive and well in Colorado, and I’ve spent my last dime in that shithole state. Conservatives need to boycott it.

  3. Not to seem optimistic, this is also going to get appealed to the SC, which I expect will have the same result as a bucket of warm spit being given to someone in a tequila drinking contest.

  4. It appears that the USA has a major problem that at this time can be only solved one way unless SCOTUS comes down yesterday with a unanimous decision.

  5. But it openly exposes, yet again, the extreme extra-legal lengths to which to Democommunists are willing to go to subvert the entire election process.

    They ginned up 40M fake votes last time.
    This is getting so obvious they may have to declare Biden the winner 100%-0 to pull this time off.

  6. Don’t forget BRICS is trying to get their members to drop the US dollar. Also pirates in Red sea causing shipping to go around and raise prices. Also rate at which we are adding to national debt. What happens when we can’t buy imports? Several waves come together to make a rouge wave.

    Someone hates us and wants us to tear ourselves apart.

  7. Coupla’ headlines read at A/C

    “Uncle of Democrat Colorado Justice who barred Trump teamed with Soros to send U.S. rare earth tech to communist China.”


    “Colorado GOP says if Trump was kept off the ballot, they will switch to a caucus system, and put him back in the game.”

  8. I don’t see many others calling this what it is: Political Theater. It’s just part of the bread-and-circuses entertainment, and not to be taken seriously. Are you not entertained?

  9. It was easy to predict the commie leftists would do this. The REAL question being what will the quisling GOP do in response and what will be the response of the Fed Courts, specifically the SCOTUS to this blatant criminal ruling.

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