Of course Rep. Eric Swallow well, is an icon of the downtrodden Little man. A proud Communist and Chinese spy supporter, we can all admire and look up to. Sigh…
Yeah, and stuff him inside the piano he desecrated with his dick, as a coffin. Of course that will only work if Russia (or more likely his own people) don’t blow his ass up first.
FFS, if Putin really wanted him dead, the FSB would’ve poisoned his booger sugar a long time ago. Having the cokenfuhrer nominally in charge of Ukraine has worked to Russia’s benefit, if anything. But now that we are clearly in the endgame, bad green man is very likely on borrowed time, since he as become a liability by embarrassing clown world.
At this stage, most of these pussies who support and praise zelensky are doing so strictly because they oppose Trump. Anything that they can use to gain validation by publicly signalling their Trump Derangement Syndrome to fellow travelers will get their full throated support. It’s public disagreement solely for the sake of acting like a bitchy little cunt. Just like every protest the left has staged since…forever.
Unfortunately, Trump made an ass of himself. So did Vance. The transcript of the event is out, however, and it makes them look even worse. Zelensky started by thanking the US for its support in the war. Vance, obviously, was not paying attention and started castigating Zelensky for not doing the very thing he had just done.
The real problem is that Zelensky wasn’t groveling at their feet. The problem was not with Zelensky. It was with Vance and Trump who made asses of themselves on the world stage. It may just cost the US billions as a result of showing they are not a reliable ally. F-35 sales to India, adn Sib project with Australia are now in question, and that is just the beginning.
I almost have to think this is well played satire without a sarcasm tag appended. F-35 sales to India in jeopardy? Yeah, that’d have nothing to do with the fact the F-35 is a turd with wings that by the USMIL’s own numbers achieves something like a 15% combat readiness rate. Maybe the Indians just got smart enough to realize they were getting fucked by selling out billions for garbage hardware.
The opposite is true. The Ukraine cannot “win” this war. There are only three options, and all are still on the table:
1) Ukraine and Russia sign a ceasefire and agree on a disputed border with a DMZ a la North and South Korea. This can be stable until there is a massive social change (e.g. fall of the USSR and opening of Germany’s DMZ). But that massive change won’t happen for a couple of generations. This is Trump’s vision.
2) Ukraine collapses, Russia advances, and Ukraine survives as a rump state — and will eventually be completely absorbed by Russia.
3) The EU puts boots on the ground to help Ukraine. This will result in China providing troops and major weaponry to Russia (as it is already doing with troops from North Korea), and will result in a massive East/West realignment. This will result in a true world war.
The US may or may not get involved with boots on the ground, depending on whether it happens with a Republican (antiwar) or Democrat( prowar) administration, but the economic devastation will be unavoidable. This will result in massive changes in the world power structure, including the invasion of Taiwan and realignment of states like India, Indonesia, the Arab states, etc. It may also mean the destruction of Israel. Neither the EU nor the US have the money, manpower, or social will to win this.
The fact is that the US is not in a position to fight a world war right now. Forced into this, we would suffer disastrous casualties and likely lose our position in the world completely, and the very people clamoring for war right now will immediately turn into peaceniks. The same people demonstrating for Ukraine right now will be demonstrating in the streets against the war the minute conscription starts again.
Trump did not make an ass of himself. He is in the difficult position of making the President of Ukraine come to terms with the fact that his fantasy of complete victory in this is exactly that — a fantasy. He cannot negotiate in good faith with Russia while pretending to things that both Russia and the US know are false, and he cannot get the Ukraine to agree to the necessary terms while feeding Zellinsky’s delusions.
This a basically like telling a sarcoma patient that he will have to lose a leg or die. The patient is convinced that the cancer can be cured otherwise and can’t deal with the idea of losing a limb. The longer you wait to do the amputation,the less likely that the patient can be saved. There’s no “nice” way to make the patient realize his true predicament. There’s no easy way to say “you lose that leg or you die.” Trump is not an ass for saying that, and the EU is doing Zelinsky no favors by offering false hope as the clock is ticking.
Now Trump has the optics to shut down all aid to Ukraine, turn up the heat on the investigation into the money laundering, and negotiations with Putin just got easier.
This was a massive turning point for public perception of Ukraine, and l’d argue we are now closer to peace, now that Trump no longer has to worry about being seemingly supportive of Ukraine.
He can come to terms with Putin, and Zelensky will remain at the kid’s table while the adults determine his fate.
From your optics, maybe.
From my optics from watching the meeting. Zelenskyy was being a little shit thinking he was dealing with a demented old crappy pants like Biden when he was NOW having to deal with a man who knows the art of the deal.
Zelenkyy needs to go away with his billions and stop sponging off the west and let peace reign between Russia and the Ukraine.
He went away like a spoiled child who didn’t get his way.
This, like all things shall pass and the US can get on with restoring it’s integrity in the world that was destroyed by the demonrats.
Trump doesn’t CARE about optics. He doesn’t care about the opinions of his detractors either. Or the narratives they create for themselves. It’s why he won the election.
Let us have a little honesty around here. BIDEN cost America TRILLIONS. Your grandkids will be paying for that when they are your age – so that tells ya how much your optics are worth.
If you assholes had any foresight or clarity, you never would have started that war in the first place.
Optics, you fuggin retard? You’ve forgotten that the retards that started that war are the same ones that surrendered in Afghanistan after 20 years of winning. That’s rich cost billions too.
That’s rich… a retarded blind man lectures us on optics.
well. there are bound to be lots of blackmail intel on the “western” clowns that went there to play. dipshit Z knows this. it how he got billions in aid in the first place . and remember this after 9/11, the Russians and old Vlad where helping us.
the “west” has gone to great lengths to strip Ukraine of EVERYTHING of value
while they could. they also tried the same thing in Russia. old Vlad stopped the RAPE of his country, and that is why he enjoys like 90% support with his people.
and a big reason why “all the right people hate him”.
and as far as the F-35 goes. it like a lot of CRAP the MIC has pushed on us.
how do I know this ? simple the five sided funny farm has ALWAYS be in love with high priced junk. we can not fight a war like WW2. we no longer have the factories. the semi skilled work force and the WILL TO DO SO.
the MIC has been robbing us blind for years. just look at the A-10. they want it dead. but it works like no other plane. ask any GRUNT what they think of it.
they want to replace it with some NEW toy that can do only HALF of what it does with ease. gulf war one showed us that bit.
here a question for you. how many “warhawks” have stock in the MIC ?
without US money and arms, they would have folded years ago.
BTW, just how many weapons we sent over there ended up being used ?
or where they sold at a discount to someone else ?
then there is the huge pile of high tech gear and weapons “they” left in the “stan”
when they pulled out. whatever edge we did have is gone by now as a lot of that gear was sold off to others that will copy it and use it against us.
shutting down USAID is one of the best things that could have happened.
from the looks of it, we where paying for everything in that damn shithole.
The similarities between Zelinskiy and Trudeau are stark:
both are failed actors, both are dictators who silence any opposition and both like to spend everybody else’s money with no questions asked…..
and the biggest is both are frail little bitches.
Zelensky was/is a puppet of the DNC left. He aided and abetted the laundering of BILLIONS back to the left while skimming money for himself and his corrupt buddies in Kiev. Less than HALF the “aid” sent to Ukraine actually got to where it was allegedly supposed to go. Most of it ended up as graft. Now heis facing Trump…and he’s in WAY over his tiny head. He likely won’t be in charge there much longer, in fact he will be lucky if he doesn’t have a “tragic accident” to keep his mouth shut. He knows too much about too many people.
You just really have to wonder what planet these libtards are living on, because it sure as hell ain’t here on the same Earth the rest of us are on. Man! How much more detached from reality can you possibly get??
What a righteously, moral, brave man. Fighting the might of the Russo/US Alliance, arrayed against him. Shirley, Dog is on his side.
Of course Rep. Eric Swallow well, is an icon of the downtrodden Little man. A proud Communist and Chinese spy supporter, we can all admire and look up to. Sigh…
any time swalwell says anything some should ask if her has heard anything from fang fang lately.
He’ll be dead within a few weeks I would guess.
Z-man or Swallowswell?
Don’t tease us like that.
Why not both??
Right answer.
Will he be buried in his tutu and heels?
Yeah, and stuff him inside the piano he desecrated with his dick, as a coffin. Of course that will only work if Russia (or more likely his own people) don’t blow his ass up first.
Putin tried to kill him several time in 2022. He failed. Epically.
if at first you don’t succeed, try try again
FFS, if Putin really wanted him dead, the FSB would’ve poisoned his booger sugar a long time ago. Having the cokenfuhrer nominally in charge of Ukraine has worked to Russia’s benefit, if anything. But now that we are clearly in the endgame, bad green man is very likely on borrowed time, since he as become a liability by embarrassing clown world.
Luther’s Turd
At this stage, most of these pussies who support and praise zelensky are doing so strictly because they oppose Trump. Anything that they can use to gain validation by publicly signalling their Trump Derangement Syndrome to fellow travelers will get their full throated support. It’s public disagreement solely for the sake of acting like a bitchy little cunt. Just like every protest the left has staged since…forever.
Unfortunately, Trump made an ass of himself. So did Vance. The transcript of the event is out, however, and it makes them look even worse. Zelensky started by thanking the US for its support in the war. Vance, obviously, was not paying attention and started castigating Zelensky for not doing the very thing he had just done.
The real problem is that Zelensky wasn’t groveling at their feet. The problem was not with Zelensky. It was with Vance and Trump who made asses of themselves on the world stage. It may just cost the US billions as a result of showing they are not a reliable ally. F-35 sales to India, adn Sib project with Australia are now in question, and that is just the beginning.
I almost have to think this is well played satire without a sarcasm tag appended. F-35 sales to India in jeopardy? Yeah, that’d have nothing to do with the fact the F-35 is a turd with wings that by the USMIL’s own numbers achieves something like a 15% combat readiness rate. Maybe the Indians just got smart enough to realize they were getting fucked by selling out billions for garbage hardware.
Anyway, thanks for the chuckles.
The opposite is true. The Ukraine cannot “win” this war. There are only three options, and all are still on the table:
1) Ukraine and Russia sign a ceasefire and agree on a disputed border with a DMZ a la North and South Korea. This can be stable until there is a massive social change (e.g. fall of the USSR and opening of Germany’s DMZ). But that massive change won’t happen for a couple of generations. This is Trump’s vision.
2) Ukraine collapses, Russia advances, and Ukraine survives as a rump state — and will eventually be completely absorbed by Russia.
3) The EU puts boots on the ground to help Ukraine. This will result in China providing troops and major weaponry to Russia (as it is already doing with troops from North Korea), and will result in a massive East/West realignment. This will result in a true world war.
The US may or may not get involved with boots on the ground, depending on whether it happens with a Republican (antiwar) or Democrat( prowar) administration, but the economic devastation will be unavoidable. This will result in massive changes in the world power structure, including the invasion of Taiwan and realignment of states like India, Indonesia, the Arab states, etc. It may also mean the destruction of Israel. Neither the EU nor the US have the money, manpower, or social will to win this.
The fact is that the US is not in a position to fight a world war right now. Forced into this, we would suffer disastrous casualties and likely lose our position in the world completely, and the very people clamoring for war right now will immediately turn into peaceniks. The same people demonstrating for Ukraine right now will be demonstrating in the streets against the war the minute conscription starts again.
Trump did not make an ass of himself. He is in the difficult position of making the President of Ukraine come to terms with the fact that his fantasy of complete victory in this is exactly that — a fantasy. He cannot negotiate in good faith with Russia while pretending to things that both Russia and the US know are false, and he cannot get the Ukraine to agree to the necessary terms while feeding Zellinsky’s delusions.
This a basically like telling a sarcoma patient that he will have to lose a leg or die. The patient is convinced that the cancer can be cured otherwise and can’t deal with the idea of losing a limb. The longer you wait to do the amputation,the less likely that the patient can be saved. There’s no “nice” way to make the patient realize his true predicament. There’s no easy way to say “you lose that leg or you die.” Trump is not an ass for saying that, and the EU is doing Zelinsky no favors by offering false hope as the clock is ticking.
Luther’s Turd
Nobody owes you any proof, turd.
Really? How’s it going in your parallel universe?
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Fuck that midget grifter.
Not mine:
Clandestine & @WarClandestine •
Zelensky just gave Trump a golden ticket.
Now Trump has the optics to shut down all aid to Ukraine, turn up the heat on the investigation into the money laundering, and negotiations with Putin just got easier.
This was a massive turning point for public perception of Ukraine, and l’d argue we are now closer to peace, now that Trump no longer has to worry about being seemingly supportive of Ukraine.
He can come to terms with Putin, and Zelensky will remain at the kid’s table while the adults determine his fate.
The optics are quite bad for Trump and Vance and it may cost the US billions.
From your optics, maybe.
From my optics from watching the meeting. Zelenskyy was being a little shit thinking he was dealing with a demented old crappy pants like Biden when he was NOW having to deal with a man who knows the art of the deal.
Zelenkyy needs to go away with his billions and stop sponging off the west and let peace reign between Russia and the Ukraine.
He went away like a spoiled child who didn’t get his way.
This, like all things shall pass and the US can get on with restoring it’s integrity in the world that was destroyed by the demonrats.
Your scopes fogged up again!
Trump doesn’t CARE about optics. He doesn’t care about the opinions of his detractors either. Or the narratives they create for themselves. It’s why he won the election.
Let us have a little honesty around here. BIDEN cost America TRILLIONS. Your grandkids will be paying for that when they are your age – so that tells ya how much your optics are worth.
If you assholes had any foresight or clarity, you never would have started that war in the first place.
Optics, you fuggin retard? You’ve forgotten that the retards that started that war are the same ones that surrendered in Afghanistan after 20 years of winning. That’s rich cost billions too.
That’s rich… a retarded blind man lectures us on optics.
Why are you such a Zelenskyy toadie? You a pianist, too?
Luther’s Turd
Reality, you should get some.
well. there are bound to be lots of blackmail intel on the “western” clowns that went there to play. dipshit Z knows this. it how he got billions in aid in the first place . and remember this after 9/11, the Russians and old Vlad where helping us.
the “west” has gone to great lengths to strip Ukraine of EVERYTHING of value
while they could. they also tried the same thing in Russia. old Vlad stopped the RAPE of his country, and that is why he enjoys like 90% support with his people.
and a big reason why “all the right people hate him”.
and as far as the F-35 goes. it like a lot of CRAP the MIC has pushed on us.
how do I know this ? simple the five sided funny farm has ALWAYS be in love with high priced junk. we can not fight a war like WW2. we no longer have the factories. the semi skilled work force and the WILL TO DO SO.
the MIC has been robbing us blind for years. just look at the A-10. they want it dead. but it works like no other plane. ask any GRUNT what they think of it.
they want to replace it with some NEW toy that can do only HALF of what it does with ease. gulf war one showed us that bit.
here a question for you. how many “warhawks” have stock in the MIC ?
without US money and arms, they would have folded years ago.
BTW, just how many weapons we sent over there ended up being used ?
or where they sold at a discount to someone else ?
then there is the huge pile of high tech gear and weapons “they” left in the “stan”
when they pulled out. whatever edge we did have is gone by now as a lot of that gear was sold off to others that will copy it and use it against us.
shutting down USAID is one of the best things that could have happened.
from the looks of it, we where paying for everything in that damn shithole.
The similarities between Zelinskiy and Trudeau are stark:
both are failed actors, both are dictators who silence any opposition and both like to spend everybody else’s money with no questions asked…..
and the biggest is both are frail little bitches.
Zelensky was/is a puppet of the DNC left. He aided and abetted the laundering of BILLIONS back to the left while skimming money for himself and his corrupt buddies in Kiev. Less than HALF the “aid” sent to Ukraine actually got to where it was allegedly supposed to go. Most of it ended up as graft. Now heis facing Trump…and he’s in WAY over his tiny head. He likely won’t be in charge there much longer, in fact he will be lucky if he doesn’t have a “tragic accident” to keep his mouth shut. He knows too much about too many people.
So you figure he will be Fostered or are we calling Epsteined these days.
Ah. Now I see the significance the poost following this one!
I’ll be happy to make these guys go away, C. But I’m going to need several billion dollars in grants and loans, tanks, planes, artillery…
You just really have to wonder what planet these libtards are living on, because it sure as hell ain’t here on the same Earth the rest of us are on. Man! How much more detached from reality can you possibly get??