7 thoughts on “Friends really don’t!

  1. I tried that shit once when there was nothing else around. 5 bucks for some shit
    coffee ! never again. hell, the mickey’s d coffee is way better than that swill and
    it’s 1.59 per large cup too. even the coffee from Sheetz is better than that crap coffee !

    • I did the same, tried it once. My first inkling that something was amiss was when I asked the “barista” for a large with milk. He attempted to correct me by asking if I wanted a “venti”, whatever TF that is. I repeated that I wanted a large with milk. He got a little pissy, gave me an eye roll, then proceeded to give me what I ordered. I walked outside, top a sip as I’m walking back to me car, almost gagged, then dumped the rest on the ground in the parking lot right in front of the door. I haven’t been back since.

      Starbucks is for people with more money than brains like a lot of the rest of the pretentious boolshit that passes for quality these days. If you like coffee brewed from over roasted actually burnt beans, go for it.

      Doesn’t it figure that the birthplace of Starbucks is Seattle, WA? Just look at what that pretentious boolshit culture has wreaked on Seattle.

  2. and another thing, back in the early 2000’s some marines in Iraq wanted to buy some and have it shipped to them. starfucks made some noise about not supporting war or something and refused to send any to them.
    but yet they manage to get shops in a lot of VA centers ?
    makes a person wonder who got paid off for them to do that ?
    fuck them and their over priced and burnt crap.

  3. I started drinking coffee 42 years ago when I entered the Navy. I need coffee to relax and go to sleep at night. I don’t know if it is some biochemical quirk but Only Starbucks and Peets actually seem to wake me up, or espresso that I make at home. McD’s. Dunkin Donuts and the rest are warm brown water. Dunkin’s espresso mildly approaches coffee but I need more than I can afford.

    They were right about the war, but for the wrong reasons (The war was to feed the military industrial complex and never about winning which would have required tactics and strategy in line with Ghengis Khan). Taking it out on service members was ineffective virtue signaling. Perfect way to prove those college degrees for which they are now debt slaves were/are useless.

  4. I like a nice strong, flavorful cup of coffee, but I’ve had only two from them in my entire life…and finished them not because I enjoyed them, but because they were so damned expensive! I figure they think if roasted to a golden perfection is good…burnt to a crisp is better…Starburnt again?…no thanks!

  5. In 2002- 2008 I got out of tree service to do real estate appraisal. While flying around So. Cal. in a fast rice burner, from San Ysidro to San Bernardino doing inspections and photoing comps n shit, I lived on coffee. Back then, they had some pretty good stuff. I’d try different things out of boredom, you could always get shots of go fast. With that standard in mind, it was drinkable. At the time I was making the most money of my life, I was happy to pay for convenience. Got hooked on mocha coffee for awhile, it was still drinkable at ambient car temp.
    If you were in the military, you could drink ANYTHING called coffee, adapt or die kinda thing.

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