Fox News Won’t Miss A Couple of Toes, Right?

I mean, letting their Number 1 talent go shouldn’t cause them any trouble at all.

I wonder if this Rupert Murdoch dickhead has talked to the folks over at Budweiser lately and asked them how pissing off their base has worked out?

I guess he’s going to find out soon enough.

In the mean time anybody that gives a shit in the first place is wondering where Ol’ Tucker is going to wind up at.

Wherever it is, they will be thinking they just hit the lottery and thanking Rupert for being a dumb sonofabitch.

24 thoughts on “Fox News Won’t Miss A Couple of Toes, Right?

  1. Let’s see now. Tucker Carlson and Dan Bongino are now available thanks to Fox. Who has the stones to hire them and let them speak uncensored?

    Fox News just committed economic suicide. See Anheuser-Busch and Bed Bath & Beyond for reference.

  2. Remind me of how Rupert Murdoch was able to stay out of jail for casting couch the Miss America winners he had given a job?

  3. Tucker News just fired Fox.
    It’s not Ru-pert, but his two Libturd sons running Fox into the ground. More and more people are getting their news from independent internet sources now, especially the aggregate sites. Why pay for TV?

  4. It will be interesting if we ever hear the real story. Just last week Fox settled out of court with Dominion for umpteen gazillion bucks. No explanation there either.
    Babylon Bee posted a straight line story without sarcasm: “Fox just fired the only reason people had for watching Fox.”

  5. Murdoch was ordered by the democrats to get rid of Tucker.
    And he complied. Is he on Epstein’s list?

  6. 10-15 years ago Glenn Beck was the golden child at Fox. Look where he’s at now.
    Same fate for Tucker. NO network is going to sign him on. They are ALL part of the corrupt agenda. Any talking head that doesn’t toe their line gets shown the door sooner or later…depending on ratings. But it always happens. The left OWNS the media…ALL of it. And it won’t be long before they OWN the internet….ALL of it. And there won’t be any dissenting voices left except for those standing on a street corner.

    • Yup, and saying unapproved speech will be hazardous to you health and freedom.

  7. Can’t believe it took this long.
    Don’t have tv anyway, and I’m confident Tucker and his family won’t miss any meals. Last but not least, I got dibs on that snake gun when the foot disappears.

  8. Seems like the Rupert sons and Soros son are enjoying one big circle jerk between themselves. How pathetic.

  9. It’s the mirdoch kids that are running the show. Old man murdoch turned operations over to them several years back. First he lost 1/2 his a$$ in a deevorce now they caved on the dominion stealection machine lawsuit.

    I’ve already cancelled my fox nation subscription. I will not watch or record anything on fox news channels. Let’s do to fox what we’ve done to BBB, that awful facsimile of beer in the blue can etc.

  10. There’s still some hope on Fox like “the 5” and some of the commentators but I suspect that will only bring Fox down to the level of ABC or CBS. Hopefully not as low as CNN.
    With a flick of a switch the internet can be shut off and there’s nothing on TV (haven’t watched TV for 16 years) that is Conservative so I would expect very soon that true patriotic, nuclear family loving, true Christian and Constitution respecting people will soon be shut out of the web and their credit scores dumped into the toilet.
    The SHTF is really coming fast. Brace yourself and prep.

  11. i quit them all a few years ago. i figure if there’s anything of dire “news” importance my boys over at bustednuckles (& the occasional side bookmrk link) will keep me in the loop.

  12. Fox market cap has already taken a hit. $650M according to Market Watch yesterday.

    Based on what I’ve read over the last month or two about what was leaked from the discovery process in the Dominion lawsuit, I expected Fox to prevail. Fox supposedly had witnesses from inside Dominion willing to testify about the inner workings of the software and how easily it could be hacked and/or manipulated. Now we’ll never know.

    I think Tucker’s firing is about two things, silencing opposition to the Left’s agenda and silencing perhaps the most important public voice ahead of the 2024 election.

    How coincidental is it that Tucker is fired at almost the same time Bribem announces his 2024 run and just as the heat is being is being turned up to incinerate on Bribem’s corruption.

    Who’s going to carry that torch now?

  13. FWIW: Reading various stories online (Radar online for one) son Lachlan Murdoch, who is very conservative, was ordered by the old man to fire Tucker.

  14. WWF wrestling, just like the political parties, behind the scenes theyre toasting drinks to each other. Murdoch is gonna sell “Faux news”. Companies arent based on capitalist principles, the banks that own these businesses and push their agendas regardless of profit or loss. The banks just have the Fed print endless money so profit isnt at play here and hasnt been for a while. Get out of the paradigm they keep you in. Go woke go broke is stupid, thats not how any of this works, yeah, so someone gets fired, sacrifice achieved, they just change horses and move on.

    How does a US Air Marshalls wife and kid get on the TSA domestic terror watchlist just for being in DC on Jan 6th nowhere near congress or the protests? Still think this system is worth saving?

  15. If Tucker is wise he will tell all the networks to go fuck themselves and just start a podcast. He could still make millions of dollars and wouldn’t need to deal with any of that shit.

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