Found a rare picture of Big Country at the “Peoples Glorious Tractor Factory” giving a lecture to the HR Director telling her do not bother the workers with dieversity and racist crap, they have work to do. They pretend to work and we pretend to pay them.

4 thoughts on “Found a rare picture of Big Country at the “Peoples Glorious Tractor Factory” giving a lecture to the HR Director telling her do not bother the workers with dieversity and racist crap, they have work to do. They pretend to work and we pretend to pay them.

  1. Is piples’ Most Grand Redt Oktyber Redt Banner Glorious Diverse Inclusive Equitable Traitor Factory!” Er, “Traktor Faktory!” You may not use incorrect names! There is court and gulag waiting for you, Mr. Non Woke Guy! You make me furious!

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