10 thoughts on “Force Multiplier!

  1. …right outside Eagle Pass and Nuevo Laredo.

    What really needs to happen is the NGO’s that are assisting in this assault on our border need to be called out and their funding, i.e. tithes and weekly, semi annual donations CUT OFF and the leaders of these organizations tried and jailed for the rest of their lives.

    Oh, that’s un-Christian? How un-Christian is it for these organizations to be OPENLY ASSISTING in the subversion of the Rule of Law of several sovereign nations?

    Their needs to be a investigation into whether the See Eye Aaa or some other sooper seecret agency is funneling dark money to these organizations.

    People coming here through Mexico and other Central and South American and Caribbean and East Asian countries aren’t swimming to Mexico. If they’re supposedly so damn poor, where is the plane ticket and coyote money coming from, if not from a .gov entity, especially given the shear volume of money required to transport millions ACROSS OCEANS to be funneled here?

    If an average person like me, can posit the above, why isn’t some enterprising “journalist” thinking the same and doing an investigation that will blow the lid off this invasion?

    Oh wait, it’s just another conspiracy theory, just like all the rest over the last 7-8 years that have been proven true.

  2. I know alligators are making a come back in Texas. Just a matter of time before they find this opportunity to make lemonade out of lemons.

  3. Stealing. There was a radio personality here in the DFW area a while back (he’s since passed away) who tried to get former governor Rick Perry to stock the Rio Grande with piranhas.

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