For Your Consideration

I’m not saying any of this true but this was testimony in front of Congress,

Many people have slammed this guy over the years.

All I can say is that it is guaranteed that our government has been hiding discoveries and developing things beyond our ability to comprehend for a very, long time.

20 thoughts on “For Your Consideration

  1. Paging Father Guido Sarducci…

    Seems pretty far-fetched to me. Wouldn’t the US military be using some of that stuff if it existed?

  2. If you read the fbi report, most of Tesla’s documents and were seized by the department of naval intelligence. They didn’t play well with other defense departments.

    • I could be wrong, I often am, just ask my wife. I read the publicly available report. There could be tons more I don’t have access to.

    • What specific “bunch” are you talking about?

      If you are laboring under the misconception that the PTB are not in possession of and concealing the existence of extraterrestrial technology, then you are obviously either an idiot or a .gov automaton.

  3. Why keep this secret and not make use of the tech? It would give us a huge military advantage. The Bible mentions the Niflehiem (spelling) and giants. We’re not alone, no need to hide aliens.

    I need some plausible reason why this is all being hidden, otherwise Ocam’s razor suggests this is BS.

    • Because it gives them a hug advantage over us. Most believable thing about it.

  4. I saw a swiped interview with someone who claimed to work on the back engineering of the craft, and they claimed that they are VERY precisely built…meaning that other equiptment such as weapons cannot be placed on them or it throws off it’s ability to “fly”.
    I’ll see if I can dig to find out where that interview was from.
    But, yea…we’ve made WAY too many strides in the past 40 or so years that blows the shit of the learning/development bell curve.
    It ain’t mathin’…

    • I thought you disallowed that math was involved in such things…

      What would they need to provide, the final drive axle ratio??

      Wake up.

  5. Lol! I didn’t need to watch more than the opening. Tesla helped invent some cool AC Power stuff. However, he also had some very absurd ideas. There are a lot of much smarter people with better labs that haven’t figured out the initial claim in this video. It’s bologna!

  6. My father in law worked a WPAFB in Dayton, Ohio,, and he saw some biological stuff as well as strange equipment that appeared to be flight stuff.
    This was back in 1954 when I lived there.

  7. I thought I found an alien hung up in my back fence. Had real pointy teeth with red eyes shaking it’s horns trying to escape. When I got closer I realized it was just one of my grandkids.

  8. The video quality is so bad, these days it could be A.I.

    I suppose anyone generally interested could look to find this on C-SPAN. I think most folks are more interested in being sure there is enough money in the bank to put food on the table for the next week, than worrying about UFO technology that the gubmint may or may not have.

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