9 thoughts on “For you squirrel and chipmunk eaters on this blog

    • had a uncle show me how to snare a ton of squirrels the easy way.
      he took a 2by4 or whatever and put 3-5 snares on it. prop it up against a tree at a angle, say 45 or so. then come back before dark
      and get them. for some reason, they will run up a board before climbing a tree (????) anyway, he always had squirrels for dinner when he wanted them. sounds weird, but it does work really well.
      he also told me to move the board around a bit as to not kill all of them. he had a 50 acre farm with trees all around it. so.
      skinning them is easy too. pinch up the fur on the back, slip in your blade. hook your fingers in and pull towards the ends, cut off feet and head. slit the belly and clean it out. shouldn’t take more than 2 minutes each if you do it right. BTW, your dog will take care if the heads and other bits too.

  1. “Too much work for a little bit of meat.”
    Somehow, that doesn’t sound like you.

  2. A story related to me from a friend; he was eating with some Filipino folk down in the PI and he was asked if he ever “ate the rat? Absolutely not responded my friend to which was replied, huh, never been hungry!”
    Grandma’s old recipe book has some instructions for how to cook pigeons. It’s been a real long time since Americans were hungry.

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